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Day Seven: Overcoming Shadows of Past Experiences

Yesterday morning started with a beautiful fire ritual in the garden of our friends.

Fire ritual in front of the Krishna statue in the garden

After breakfast there was a group meeting where we studied some pages from “Esoteric Healing“, about how to deal with blockages in the etheric body.

Later we continued our journey and made a stop at a place at the countryside not far away from my old home town. There we met two friend with whom we had been together over a decade in a spiritual group, where, under the garb of esoteric studies and discipleship training, a lot of atrocities had happened. Those who had been in the group had undergone quite some inner wounds – merciless hurting others in the name of merciful living. The group had dissolved later, a number of them joined the WTT with which we are now associated. We had a deep exchange about these times and what had happened and the path we had taken since. All of us had taken to the work of healing inner wounds and trying to assist others in this.

A ceramic globe in the garden of our friends

Then we continued our journey to the home of other friends near Bielefeld, where we stay at the moment. Again some good talks till late in the night.

OM at the entrance of the house

A blessing Buddha on the other side of the wall with the OM


2 Responses to “Day Seven: Overcoming Shadows of Past Experiences”

  1. Ramanadham Ramesh Babu Says:

    Excellent photos

  2. Judy Says:

    Wonderful to see how you connect with all your old time friends… cleaning up blockages and putting more Light into our troubled world.
    Love the pictures you took ,which emit a Beuty and Serenity… More power to you and your friends

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