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The World Garden

I today came over a nice website called “The World Garden“. There are photos from gardens from many countries, you can send them a picture of your garden to be added to the site. On the page there is an nice intro by Barbara Wolf:

“Long ago Mother Earth was a perfect garden. There was a perfect blueprint for her. Then, fragmentation began and today the garden is far from perfect. Let us turn the imperfect to the perfect.
We begin small; each of us making one piece of a world garden of perfection. We overlay our efforts, our tapestry, on the energies of imperfect Mother Earth. That is how we change the imperfect to the perfect.”

The site made me think of the book “Leaves of Morya’s Garden” from 1924. Here is an extract from the aphorism No 229:

Yes, yes, yes, each word of unity is as the seed of
some fair flower.
To cultivate a garden of beauty is permitted to all.
But where are the gardeners who can judge which seed is best?
We shall teach them to gather the fertile stalks.
We shall pluck out the blighting weeds.
And the ground where God has manifested Himself
We shall adorn with flowers.
But where the flowers of unity are—guard their petals.
Yes, yes, yes!

View from out of our living room

2 Responses to “The World Garden”

  1. V V B S MURTHY Says:

    Very wonderful gardens pictographs.
    Very great hard work put in by the persons concerned.
    Great work
    thanks and regards

  2. Dinakar Says:


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