Human “Mustard Tubes”
This morning we were at the promotion function of the Officer’s School in the city of Berne, where our eldest son became a Lieutenant. It was military-ceremoniously, with brass music, flags, berets and military people and a politician giving addresses.
The left one with the blue beret is our son…
One military in his talk showed a mustard tube and humorously explained how you can bring the tube to squirt: with a hammer, by driving over it with a bicycle, or with strongly squeezing it. If you don’t want to have too much mustard on your sausage, you need a soft pressure. Without it nothing comes out. Then he addressed the newly backed lieutenants as “dear mustard tubes” and said that they had been pressed quite a lot so that something comes out which otherwise would remain inside. He reminded them that when they are pressing others they should always use the right dose, but not too much, in order not to hurt and spoil the others so that it doesn’t squirt…
Now they are tonight on the Officers’ Ball…