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Day of Conscious Healing of Planetary Waters

The Native American NPO “Golden Eagle Ceremonies” are doing today a day of conscious healing of planetary waters, also especially for the healing of the Gulf of Mexico waters spoiled now by the oil. A very good initiative.

2 Responses to “Day of Conscious Healing of Planetary Waters”

  1. V V B S MURTHY Says:

    Dear Sir,
    I am truly addicted to “Flowers on the wayside” wensote as well as the messages in my mail box. I feel disappointed if I have not seen a msg. from “Flowers on the wayside” so my humble request to you would be – kindly release daily one message with relevant attachments. I have been seeing the material and the content are so rich in their quality, text, texture, presentation, appearance and aesthetic nature. Your efforts are greatly marvellous. Keep it up. The effort you are putting in is wonderful.
    with warm regards,

  2. V V B S MURTHY Says:

    (I am truly addicted to “Flowers on the wayside” wensote as well as the) –
    I regret an error in the above line due to wrong fingering – kindly read it as “I am truly addicted to “Flowers on the wayside” website as well as the”………………………….

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