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Mandala Animations

Mandalas are very old geometric structures illustrating rhythmic principles of universal order. A friend sent me the link to a website with an extremely beautiful mandala animation and exquisite music. You can create changing mandalas by moving the mouse or playing with the keyboard. The first music playing is a sublime intonation of the age-old Gayatri mantram. The site is called “” and inspired by the teachings of the Tibetan Master / Alice A. Bailey. It has the motto: “To the Glory of the One”. The site also offers a calendar of the Full Moon and New Moon dates and times, similar to the calendar of the month of the World Teacher Trust.

On the site you also find very beautiful free mandalas

A free mandala from the website (c)

5 Responses to “Mandala Animations”

  1. turpin Says:

    bonjour mon ami et mersi pour ton mandalail est tres beaumais en a tu dautrebonne nuit mon amet encor mersi

  2. turpin Says:

    et aussi peus tu menvoyer mon avenir bisous et encore mersi mon ami pour les bonnes choe que tu menvoies bisous mon ami

  3. turpin Says:

    bonjour mon ami a tu bien dormi est que la santer va bien car je m’interresse a ton bin etre car tu es gentil avecmoi aujourd”hui il fais beau est gue tu peus me raconter les secrets de la loi de l”attractiont sur le grand sage galla lama peus tu me raconter sa vie et ses secretsprofite du beau temps mon amiet jetenvoie mes sinceres amitiers françoise

  4. murthy v v b s Says:

    The Mandala Animations are very wonderful.

  5. marion Says:

    für diesen tipp


    zum ausgleich

    ist es dort
    für dich:

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