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Experiencing Aquarian Energies

Wednesday 20 January the group left the Retreat Centre around 3 am to the train station. Around 5.30 pm we arrived at Chennai, where the Indian brotherhood arranged transportation from the Central station to Egmore station, from where the night train was to depart at half past 10 pm. We were served a dinner at the station and then continued our ride to Kumbakonam, where we arrived next morning at about 8 am.

Busses then transported the group from the different hotels to gather near the Yoga School Friends’ Society building, which Master CVV had started in the beginning of the last century. Since our group arrived early, we went into Master CVVs house and had a short meditation in the room of Master CVV. A vibrant energy could be felt.

In front of the house of Master CVV

Inside the room where Master CVV meditated and received the Aquarian energy.

We then assembled en face in an assembly hall, where Master Kumar gave a short introduction:
“A heartening welcome to all of you to Master CVV Yoga Centre, from where the yoga has spread all over the globe. It was conceived that the fusion of East and West meets in the Master Centre, which is the heart centre in us. And it was chosen by the Higher Ones as the centre of the energies of synthesis. You may not be conscious of what is happening here. In the prayer hall the Master did prayer for 11 years and 11 months and he received the energy in the house on the other side of the road. Those who are his friends never know what he does, some have done the prayer, some not. You are all friends, that is how it started, and the speed has taken on by the effect of the Master all over.
… During the prayer we are at the centre where the yoga emerged. Do not have an expectant mind, do not think about emotional attitudes, it blocks the mind. Close your eyes, the Master works. “It is a direct line, mine is a direct line.” When the mind is clean and vibrant, it will happen. There are many people who do not pray morning and evening, for them also the grace is granted, this is for sure, don’t block it. We are the only obstruction, the personality obstructs the soul. Do not stand in the way. ”

When we arrived there was still a scaffold in front of the Yoga hall, fixing the decoration.

We then went into the Yoga School and had 72 minutes prayer. We were a group of 195 members, many Indian members had come from different parts of the country to join this celebration of 100 years of Master CVV Yoga.

Friday 22 Jan. 10: In the morning after prayer and breakfast the group assembled in the lecture hall, where the Master introduced to us the most senior member of Master CVV Yoga, Sri Shanmugam. He had taken initiation into the yoga of Master CVV on 28th May 1944. He has been with the yoga the whole time and has been the guardian of the Yoga School. Master Kumar honoured him and the work he does. Then he introduced to us the great-grandson of Master CVV.

The city is called Kumbakonam (meaning the “Aquarian Angle”) because one great cycle of 26’000 years ago, at the beginning of the previous Aquarian age, the energies of Aquarius had chosen this place for a descent, and Master CVV also decided to descend in Kumbakonam for the present cycle. There is a temple called Kumbha Ishvara, the primary Master of Aquarius. The descent happened there and then went into the tank (a little lake), where it was anchored. It is most sacred in this region and Master Kumar proposed that we take a chance of bathing in that tank either in the morning or evening hours. “The outer structure of the temple changed, but the place is protected. Therefore it is suggested to visit the temple in the morning with singing OM Namah Sivaya.”

The group went to the Adi Kumbeshvari Temple in which a Shiva lingam is worshipped. At the entrance of the temple there was a temple elephant blessing those who seek its blessings. In the temple priests were performing a little Pooja, while the group was singing OM Namah Sivaya.

Later the group assembled in the hall of the Yoga School Friends’ Society for the noon prayer and also in the evening.
At night I took a bath in the tank, with a beautiful moonlight shining over the scenery.

Saturday, 23 January we visited the temple of Thanjavur (English: Tanjore), about 40 km from Kumbakonam. The temple is about 1000 years old and it has a large Shiva lingam inside. In front of the main temple there is a huge statue of Nandi, the vehicle of Lord Shiva.

The Master gave some explanations about the temple and said:

“Moving around the temple should always be done in the right direction. Moving to the right is turning to the spirit. Three times going around the temple is the physical, vital and mental planes. It is not recommended moving to the left, anti-clockwise. Moving to the left stands for materialisation, the right side is spiritualisation. … Every temple has its own number, symbol etc. Here it is the 5, the 5-pointed star, OM Namah Sivaya. All temples are built by Masonic measures. … There are so many bulls on the walks of the temple all around, hundreds, they carry a watchful eye. There are more than 1000 bulls there. Normally to see the details of the temple takes one day. You also have Shiva lingams all around.”

We visited the temple and experienced the presence of the Siva Lingam. Later we went back to Kumbhakonam.

On Sunday we had two more prayers in the Master CVV Yoga School Friends’ Society, and afterwards  the group members set on their ways home or to other places in India. We joined the group to Bangalore, where our train arrived in the early morning hours of January 25th.

We received a very warm welcome and stayed in the beautiful site of Sadguru Tapovan, a colony of houses of WTT group members.  There were cordial exchanges and in the evening a question-answer session.

In front of the lecture hall the group was about to finalize the erection of a beautiful stupa (pillar) of grey marble, 100 inches high with a big rock crystal on the top to be inaugurated the next day, in commemoration of 100 years of Master CVV Yoga.

Tuesday 26 January around 11.30 am the group assembled in front of the hall for the inauguration of the stupa. At first Master Kumar and his wife Kumari Garu intonated different mantrams, followed by some talks and honoring of the members who had contributed to the realisation of the stupa within less than 4 weeks. Master Kumar then said:

“As much as we open ourselves, so much The Master descends into us. We feel that not we exist, but the Master exists. The lower self is absorbed into the higher, then we don’t have a mind. … All becomes possible when the mind cooperates. The mind is exceedingly oriented to the matter, it cannot receive the influx from the Master. … The crystal (on the top of the obelisk) can bring down energy tremendously. Wisdom science can enter into you, and the sciences can enter when you let the energy flow into you, it is like a fish taking to water. It is a daily dedication of the mind. … More and more you are absorbed into him and he expresses through you. … It is a multiplication of abilities, and things happen with greater ease. … Master CVV received the energy and transmitted it. It gets into you, penetrates and transforms everything into light, and therefore it is a happy story and you enjoy it. ”

Afterwards the Master and Krishna Kumari unveiled the stupa and decorated it with flowers. Then the different groups came to the front for a group photo. Afterwards a delicious lunch was offered to all members present. It was a beautiful end of our time in India. More information can be made available on request.

One Response to “Experiencing Aquarian Energies”


    The energies come down from SADGURU.

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