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Slide Show of World Religions

A friend, president of Houston Theosophical Society, sent me the link to a beautiful slide show on world religions represented in Houston, he received from a friend:  “It is a wonderful picture log of world religions.  For those of you who are not from ‘around these parts,’ it lets you know that Houston has become quite an international city and more than the ‘brass buckle on the Bible Belt’.” He added: “Glad that Houston is home to so many faiths practiced in peace and tolerance mainly. Rightly missing was Theosophy because it is the primordial esoteric spiritual tradition underlying other religions, without being one, like colorless white light hides seven colors within it.”

The slide show is introduced with the words: “Your neighbor is a what!?! What is that? Yes, there are Zoroastrians, Wiccans and Jains in Houston. And people of lots of other faiths too.”

Source of Light, Dec. 1981

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