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Via Hyderabad Back to the West

A one hour hop with the plane brought us from Visakhapatnam to Hyderabad, where a friend of mine from the Hyderabad WTT-group, who is running a Spiritual Book Centre, picked us up at the airport. It is a totally new airport opened last year, about 20 km outside of Hyderabad. Normally with traffic jam it takes two hours to go to the city, but since it was Sunday, we arrived at his home in about 25 minutes.

Driving through Hyderabad – motorbike-slalom between the cars

After a little sleep and a meal served by his wife, he took us through the turbulent traffic (turbulent at least for us) to the Spiritual Book Centre, which was in a new, larger location next to the site I saw it last year. Beautiful bright colours and a good array of the books and Ayurvedic and other articles gave a friendly outlook to the shop, which contrasted with the other nearby bookshops. He is organizing the shop as a volunteer activity with some people working in it. Though it is not making any profit, he likes it very much making spiritual knowledge accessible to interested seekers. And he has very far reaching visions, which he is trying to aim at with a team of friends, who are also very active in their respective fields. He outlined to me a picture of a very committed network of people devoted to good-will projects for the upliftment of people in need in different walks of life. A fascinating dynamic Aquarian energy.

Inside the Spiritual Book Centre

Afterwards we visited the head of the WTT-group of Hyderabad and his wife, where in the midst of apartment blocks a vibrating spiritual place has developed over the years – a cordial welcome.

The Buddha Statue in the lake in the centre of Hyderabad

Afterwards our friend made a short nightly sight-seeing tour with us, to a big sweets-shop, the lake in the centre of Hyderabad with a huge statue of Buddha – where we crossed the road marching through fast-driving cars; I would never have dared to do so in Switzerland – and to Charminar, the beautiful Mogul gate with minaret towers from the 16th century – a picture of 1001 nights. Though officially it was already closed, some electricians were preparing lights for next day’s celebrations of Republic Day; so we went in to have a closer look, until the electricians told us to leave.

In the sweets-shop

The Charminar in the centre of Hyderabad

Inside the Charminar

Shortly after midnight, after a shower and a final dinner at the flat of our friend, we arrived back at the airport, very fatigued. The lady at the check-in was polite and shining. On her badge I could read: Meenakshi Thakur. Oh, I thought – Meenakshi (meaning “like the eyes of a fish”) is the energy related to the sign of Pisces, of Synthesis, as Master EK explains in Spiritual Astrology, and Thakur is the name related to the Solar Dynasty Master Morya comes from (see H.P. Blavastky: From the Caves and Jungles of Hindustan), from Rajasthan, which we had also met 2 days ago in the great film on Akbar. The lady told us. “You have 4 kg overweight”. For a moment we thought, oh, some problems. Then she replied smilingly, “Oh, it’s o.k.”

Inside the airport we met some members of the Spanish group who were with us on the night flight. Again a warm meeting. Then into the plane, fasting seatbelts and falling asleep. I hardly noticed the roaring energies of the plane lifting us up into the air and carrying us back to Europe.

Over Frankfurt the long rows of car headlamps creeping into the city and the lights of the houses in the early morning dawn were glittering like oriental jewels, but came from a frosty ground. Tired, but happy I later sat with my wife in an airport café writing these lines.

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