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Silence, Speech and Sound

Yesterday we had another public evening theme, this time about “Silence, Speech and Sound”. Sacred sounds and certain kinds of music are very effective means of inner transformation and also for energizing the space around us. Speech and sound can have an uplifting effect, but can also be destructive and painful. It depends on the way we use them.

We were a small group only, but there was an inspiring atmosphere. First I presented a powerpoint show with many photos related to sound (in German, it will be translated in the next weeks), also available as a PDF-file. After a pause my wife guided a meditation with an introduction into the Gayatri Mantram (an ancient sound formula, “The Light of the Thee Worlds”) and experiencing silence. The rhythm of mantric singing enlivens the experience of silence afterwards. It is somehow refreshing and makes us come again more in line with our higher self.

You might read the blopost on “The Power of Sacred Sounds” or the or the Basics of Spiritual Life on “Working with Sound“.

A hermit in the Himalayas, photo of a friend

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