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Opening up Encapsulated Feelings

I discussed with my wife the observation of encapsulated feelings. We have met several persons where there seem to be locked emotions, which block the free flow of energies (see the post on “Filling the Love Leakage“). It seems that losses of dear ones, hardships of destiny or severity against oneself are at the roots of such encapsulations. Seen from the outside there seem to be walls in certain inner areas, where you cannot touch the core, or the person is trying to evade situations of contact with deeper feelings. So it is difficult to come into a flow of exchange.

At the same time there seems to be some mirroring of these blocked energies or fears: In the contact with the person you might get similar feelings out of a momentarily reflection, and you might feel irritated, not realising from where this vague cloud of discomfort comes. In retrospection you might realise that it wasn’t from yourself, but from the atmospheric ambiance. When you are in a receptive mood you are more prone to such infections.

As soon as you link up again to your higher self, you get out of this contagious mood and back into the flow. By linking to the inner awareness, the soul, you also help the other person to break through his or her encapsulations and come again back into the flow of life. My wife remarked she witnessed that this opening up of encapsulations might lead to overwhelming feelings, but afterwards normally a new balance is found.


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