The Aura of Taboo Issues
Why are we afraid of touching taboo issues like one’s own mistakes or bad feelings, such as guilt, shame, shyness, embarrassment? They have got an aura around them, some kind of a cloudy mist. It is often not the subject we are afraid of, but the feelings woven around:
A friend of our teenage son has to sing a song before the music teacher tomorrow to get a better mark. He openly told my wife that he is timid and that it costs him a lot to overcome his shyness. She answered: “A young man being able to confess that he is shy is the most courageous man I can imagine.”
When we dare talking about unvoiced things, we get in touch with that aura, and it needs quite some courage to pierce through. We feel tense, not because of our inhibition, but because so many people have a complex about a certain topic, that they built an aura of “don’t touch me!” around it.
When we talk about it, we address this aura. The subject as such is not frightening at all. However, you might feel the clouds of the taboo topic with the other – and thus don’t dare proceeding. So you help increasing the unapproachability.
My wife likes playing with this and pierces softly through these forbidden themes, knowing that this “ban” is but an illusion. Usually the surprise of the people is big, accompanied by the feeling of liberation. The blocked energy is being released.
Astonished white dog at the Aare river, this afternoon