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Fur is Dead

Today a Spanish e-mail which landed in the spam-folder from one of the newsletter-subscribers contained a link to a film about “Shocking New Fur Investigation“, by the Swiss Animal Protection / East International, showing how in fur farms the fur is cut off from living animals. There was a link leading to a site called “Fur is Dead“, for actions against cruelties in the name of fashion. (You might consider not looking the video, for it is atrocious.)

I had written before about “Trash? or How to Deal with Atrocities” and other blogposts about man’s cruelty against his fellow-creatures. It seems as if people cut off part of their being to ignore what they are doing, to suppress their consciousness. Such cruelties not only happen against animals, but also against fellow men. It is difficult not to close one’s eyes and at the same time not to be drawn into a voyeurism of media stimulation. May people realize that what they are doing now is the seed of their future destiny coming back to them. And may they develop feelings of friendship and friendliness towards all sentient beings.

Temple elephant in India

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