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Trash? or How to Deal with Atrocities

This morning I remembered an e-mail I yesterday got from a friend in Argentina. It was a powerpoint with a cry for help stopping the slaughter of baby seals. I first put it into the trash, after having seen several videos in the last time about cruel animal massacres, and having published several blog-posts about them. There could have been many more about incredible atrocities of humans against other fellow humans, with which I’m confronted at my professional work. A feeling of palsy and insensibility could creep in, a compassion fatigue.

I then read this morning in the Vaisakh Newsletter of this month: “Be not complacent of evil. Do not be blind to it. Evil cannot be eliminated. It is the by-product of the creation. It exists as along as creation exists…”

So I decided to do an English translation of the file about killing the baby seals, here is it as a powerpoint (with music) or as pdf (without).


The text in the Vaisakh Newsletter went on: “Remember! It is not wise to hate evil. If you hate evil you attract it faster… Prayers done in love and for welfare of mankind can open the vaults of heaven to normalise the situation and such prayers have to be done with greater effectiveness.”

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