The Fruit of Hard Experiences
A friend wrote me today:
“An investigation in USA of the most successful companies run by well-liked leaders showed that out of many questions there was only one to which they gave the same answer: they had all in the past experienced bad bosses! So, to become good on something you should first ask the Universe for the negative experience of that.”
A stone in a waterfall, picture from today’s excursion into the Kien Valley, Alps
It is a deep biographical truth – the so-called negative experiences with superiors in my life as well have given me an impetus what not to do in my life. And going through times of torrential changes and standing in them like the stone in the waterfall, just from one day to the other keeping the head high, gives a fruit of deep experiences. What was most important for me was (and is) to keep the link to the inner, through daily times of withdrawal within. If you don’t root yourself firmly, the tides will wash you away.