Silence and Neutralising Oppositions
Yesterday afternoon we went half way across Switzerland to Einsiedeln to meet Sri Kumar, our spiritual teacher. Besides some administrave issues and watching a tennis match with Roger Federer at the TV, we had a meditation, a walk and a talk together. Again I was impressed by his deep spiritual wisdom expressing in minute details of day-to-day life.
We spoke about keeping the inner contact during the day. My wife told him that she experienced during the seminar we had attended last week a strong energy of presence that was brought in through him, and she asked him how he does it. He said that through opening up to the Presence and invoking the Spiritual Hierarchy, the energy starts flowing through.
We also spoke about meeting with adversaries. He told us that he had had in his life strong attacks from different sides, but he never acted against them. Instead, he neutralised the opposition by keeping silent and absorbing it. He said, it is his experience, when you don’t oppose to an adversary, this takes away the opposing energy. The person starts inquiring what is going on in the other, why he doesn’t strike back. When a person starts pondering, he stops attacking.
When people come and complain about others, he is trying to subtly show them the viewpoint of the other, so that they can come to a broader understanding. Actually we can be sure that we usually only know half of the truth or even less.
Kandersteg, May 27th, 07