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Greening the Desert

I just came across a fascinating YouTube-video on the permaculture project “Greening the Desert” (you can also see the video in a better quality from here). In this story, Geoff Lawton talks about re-greening the deserts of Jordan. By applying the principles of permaculture, the Jordanians managed to salvage a heavily salted environment and turn it into a green oasis. Geoff Lawton lives and teaches permaculture at his farm near The Channon, a small community in Australia.


See also our blogpost “From Wasteland to Paradise“.

One Response to “Greening the Desert”

  1. Nick Ritar Says:

    I did a Permaculture design certificate course with Geoff up in the Channon, and I must say he is an extremely knowledgable and inspirational teacher.

    The greeening the desert video was the reason I went to be taught by Geoff.

    If your interested there is a bunch of photos on my site of Geoff’s farm in the Channon that I took while on the course.


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