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Practical Peace Education for Palestinian and Israeli Children

A friend from California sent me the following text:

“Here is a good example of people using their spiritual heart and will and taking positive action where it is needed. The Salaam Shalom Educational Foundation has key programs underway with amazing leaders and participants dedicated to making a difference for Palestinian and Israeli children and their families. Indeed, their work touches all of our lives. Any work focusing on right human relations reverberates throughout the network.

I have met and gotten to know some of the founding and supportive members of this foundation. I have great respect and admiration for what they have accomplished in a short period of time, and the long range goals they are systematically working towards. They are truly inspired, and inspiring.”

In their newsletter they report about conflict resolution camps or programs for cultivating and selling Palestinian olive oil to help farmers.

On their website it says: “Peace isn’t something just to believe in, it is something to work for, and we are teaching children in the Middle East how to do it.”


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