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A Glimpse of a Life-Size Whale

The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society WDCS has just launched an interactive web banner of a life-size blue whale, the largest animal ever to have lived on earth. It is part part of WDCS’s Stop Bloody Whaling campaign, and highlights the growing danger to great whales from a cruel and increasingly aggressive commercial whaling industry.

“The banner is both a fascinating impression of this gigantic animal, the blue whale, and a key reminder of the very real danger of commercial exploitation faced by this and other great whales should pro-whaling countries succeed in overturning the ban on commercial whaling.” Says Nicolas Entrup, spokesperson for WDCS. In the Antarctic alone, between 1904 and 1978, 1.4 million whales were killed. This number includes the 350,000 blue whales taken by whaling fleets during that time.


See also our blogposts on “Earthlings” – Dealing with Animals, Vegetarianism – A Contribution to Fighting Climate Change and Ideas of World’s Most Brilliant Scientists for the Future.

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