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Drowning in Data or Transforming Experience

USA Today reported that IDC researcher John Gantz has done a study on data, estimating that 161 exabytes of digital data – or about 161 billion GB – were generated in 2006 alone. This is equivalent to 43 trillion digital songs. Datas are stored by privates, businesses, governments, for photos, documents, music, films…. Mark Lewis, Executive Vice President of EMC, a data storage giant, says: “We are creating more digital information than we can store.” Finding the right information in the huge heap of digital data is like finding the famous needle in a haystack, and the problem is getting worse…

Beginning of March 07, a study of the Carnegie Mellon University reported that storage media are much worse than what was thought. And thus customers have to replace their drives far more often: The mean time to failure (MTTF) of a disk drive is about 13 times higher than what vendors say. The researchers have observed about 100 000 disk drives in data centres of Google.

So while you might think that what you have in your computer is save, it is like storing the data on melting ice…

The Eastern wisdom says that knowledge is structured in consciousness, not in outer devices. This wisdom-knowledge is not more and more data. It comes when you have integrated knowledge through living experience, leading to a transformation of your existence. You might like to read the Lunar Messenger on Awareness and Thought.


A “data storage” on the walls of the Ajanta caves, India.

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