Chosing the New 7 World Wonders
2200 years ago the Greek Philon of Byzantium made a catalogue of the most important monuments of his time, based on sites located around the Mediterranean sea, like the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Temple of Artemis, the Statue of Zeus or the Pyramids at Giza. The only buidling still existing is the Pyramid.
Since 2001 there is a campaign going on for chosing the New 7 Wonders of the World – not not chosen by a single man, but by millions of people all over the world. You can give your vote on the website of New7Wonders, selecting between 21 remaining candidates – ranging from the Acropolis to Timbuktu. The campaign will end in about 10 months, and on 07.07.07 there will be the official declaration of the new 7 wonders.
A good idea to focus on the cultural heritage and to create an awareness for the great efforts of mankind from all over the globe for creating beauty – and at the same time a project with a global participation.