Information Technology – in Technics and Spirituality
Yesterday I was at the Orbit-iEX 06, the Swiss fair for IT, e-business and internet. I cam with an interest in seeing what are new developments in with content management systems (CMS) and intranet solutions for my work. Right when entering the fair I was approached by several smiling ladies trying to catch customers for the different stands. I had some very interesting presentations about CMS and an interesting short seminar by consultants of Namics on a study about the 10 best intranets worldwide by Nielsen Norman.
I gained some new insights from all I heard, though there was a bombarding of impressions and for me unrelevant presentations. I enjoyed it and started later sorting out. It reminds me very much of how you have to use your sense of discrimination also on the spiritual path.
There is such a multitude of information, and you have to sort out. You need information to be able to progress and understand further steps on your way. (I experienced this last week, when while studying I understood something in a deeper sense which I had been doing for a while already.) Also you need experts to help you on the way, but there must be trust in the guides. And you must ask questions, to gain the knowledge needed. By itself it doesn’t come ready-made to you. Asking the right questions is already an important step ahead in your search.