Integrative Interlinking
At the moment I am working in my free time at the annual report for the Western groups of the World Teacher Trust, a socio-spiritual movement, with which we have been associated over the last 9 years. It is fascinating to get a little insight into the work done by various groups in Europe, North and South America, who, inspired by the wisdom teachings, are trying to integrate regular meditation and study with some volunteer service activity, besides the activities for one’s own economic indepency.
Balancing all these aspects is quite a challenge in modern life, which has quite other priorities. Our spiritual teacher, Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, is an outstanding example of this intelligent integration – as a business man working actively in the economic, social and cultural fields, with spirituality as the basis.
Each group has quite another approach and a quality of its own. The intergroup networking to gain an insight into these service activities is only possible due to the use of our electronic equipments via computer, web-telephone, or the “classical” phones. This kind of co-operation would’t have been possible only a few years ago. It creates a new quality of interlinking in a free good-will work on the basis of a spiritual impulse, which the general commercial world with its economic power has already adopted in a highly sophisticated manner.