Human Rights Watch
On June 19th the United Nations inaugurated the new Human Rights Council at the Geneva Headquarters. To remind of the 19th Article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers“, the Swiss watchmaker Swatch launched a “Human Rights Watch” in UN-blue, the Swiss federal minister Micheline Calmy-Rey proudly showed it. May it be used in the double sense of the word “watch” – a real Human Rights Watch.
Hopefully the new council becomes an effective instrument of furthering the human rights and not degrade it to a discussion forum for the interests of particulars. The “superpower” USA however felt their concerns (or power?) not represented enough in the new council, so they preferred to stay apart – as with many other international concerns.
The United Nations do an incredible job in so many fields of life, without this institution the state of the world would be defitinely worse.
For groups supporting the UN from a spiritual side you might read this blog entry.