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Archive for the ‘Science and Technology’ Category

Uranian Children

Friday, November 7th, 2014

The last 100 years, there was not only a tremendous speed-up of human evolution through the influx of the Aquarian energies. Also a re-modelling of the human body took place, and now we have better models. You can notice it if you look at photos of people from the earlier decades.

After WW 2 many changes took place in the glands of the new born bodies. There was a further re-modelling in 1988 and 1999 as well. The 21st century child grasps much more and much faster than the earlier 20th century child. Today’s children are very quick in their handling of computers and other electronic facilities.

You can read here about the new models for the bodies (PDF Lunar Messenger).

The following video humorously illustrates the birth of such a Uranian child.


The Sri Yantra – A Cosmic Energy Generator

Thursday, July 24th, 2014

Since many years I’m fascinated by the sublime geometry of the Sri Yantra. When our children were young, we did Mithila classes and drew with them the Sri Yantra (see the book “Mithila” about the mantra Sreem and the related yantra – scroll down). In our home we have several directional Yantra mandalas inspired by the science of Vastu, also the Sri Yantra at the entrance.

A few days ago I came across the website of a German artist who has devoted his life to work on the Sri Yantra and is creating beautiful copper-works.

In his youth, Bernhard Wimmer had learned bronze casting and chasing. After years of artistic search he discovered his vocation in uniting art and science. He found in the Sri Chakra Yantra a cosmic energy generator, and he describes the work with it as a journey to the I AM through cosmic energy geometry.

Bernhard Wimmer working on a Sri Yantra (c)

On his website he explains (in German) the Sri Yantra as an instrument or better a “machine” which uses physical laws to change the physical world around. The Sri Yantra can generate energy waves which are in resonance with us and support us to build up energy fields to send them with our intentions on a journey into the cosmic field of consciousness. And it is our ability for devotion and love which opens the energy door so that we can send our deepest impulses and intentions through the world and into this cosmic field of consciousness. The Sri Yantra is an extraordinary instrument for our energy and consciousness development and can greatly intensify our work but not replace it.

Bernhard Wimmer (c)

Bernhard Wimmer is singing mantrams while working on a Yantra, mainly the Gayatri mantram, the invocation of Light. The work is done for the highest weal of the world and the place or the people for which he does a Yantra. Here are two videos with interviews (in German)  about his work (1 / 2).

It is interesting how his descriptions match with what Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya says about the Sri Yantra in his book “Spiritual Psychology“:

“Tantric texts in Sanskrit and the Kabbala prescribe various compound symmetrical shapes for various compound numbers that are to be meditated upon to acquire perfection of the mental, vital and lower Buddhic planes. They are called Yantras in Sanskrit. Sri Yantra is the most perfect and profound form of all. It is not only a perfect shape for meditation, but it represents the operations of the whole cosmos down to the individual man. It is formed by an arrangement of five equilateral triangles with their apexes below, and another set of four equilateral triangles with their apexes above, the circumcircles of these triangles and three squares outlining the whole figure.”

And Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar explains in the book “Mithila – A New Age School Syllabus” the work with Sri as a scientific work of manifesting subtle energies:  “The invocation of the Mother ‘SRI’ makes you magnetic and lucky when you practice it with deep interest and inclination. In this invocation, you are carrying out a triangular work, i.e., you are applying a Sound (Mantra) upon a Symbol (Yantra) according to a specific process (Tantra). This is a scientific way of manifesting the subtle energies upon the grosser planes, known to the Magicians. If your motives are sacred, it leads to White Magic.”

And in the book on Mantrams he explains:  “SRI stands for the splendour, the Divine Nature. SRI is a seed sound. It helps speedier transformation and it is the work of fire.”

Bernhard Wimmer is producing the Sri Yantra in copper, the metal of Venus – the sound Srim is part of the mantra of the Venus principle. But he also sells the Yantra as beautiful prints. Have a look at the website of Bernhard Wimmer. (Thank you for the permission of using the images.)

Bernhard Wimmer (c)

A Guided Tour Through the Space Station

Friday, February 7th, 2014

You probably haven’t yet had the opportunity to visit a space station and see how everyday life in zero gravity looks like. In her final days as Commander of the International Space Station ISS, Sunita Williams of NASA recorded an extensive tour of the orbital laboratory, just hours before she departed with two colleagues in a Soyuz spacecraft for a landing on the steppe of Kazakhstan.

Sunita takes you on an amazing tour through the different part of the ISS and shows how they are sleeping, eating or getting to the toilet in a place where there is no above and below. You have a look at their workplaces with computers and pencils, see a training machine for strengthening the muscles or peep into the cockpit of the Soyuz spacecraft with which they are going back to earth. Of course you also have a look “down” to the blue planet where you and I are somewhere living.

“A 25 minutes video worth every second of watching” wrote my Indian friend who sent me the link today. And that’s true.

Sunita Williams explaining a spacesuit, picture (c) from the video.

Breathing Earth

Saturday, December 28th, 2013

I came across a beautiful infographics by John Nelson about the annual pulse of vegetation and land ice – an impressive visualisation of the heartbeat of our Mother Earth. Click on this link and then on the picture to see the pulse of the earth moving (it might take a moment to load).

To create this pulsating image John took 12 NASA images showing Earth at each of the twelve months: “This animation shows an oddly mesmerizing dance of snow and life, from the vantage of the North Pole.”

There is also a version showing different parts of the globe in one image.

The “pulsating earth” reminded me of a beautiful Greenpeace-video about “Mother Earth – She’s alive…“.

breathing earth_polar_view
Breathing Earth – polar view (c) John Nelson)

Breathing Earth – multiple views
(c) John Nelson)

John has created a number of interesting infographics. A very impressive one is the graphics about “Earthquakes since 1898“: “With a heaping pile of data from, every recorded earthquake with a magnitude of 4 or higher was spattered onto this map.” So you see the places where you stand a bigger chance that the ground under your feed is shaking…

“Earthquakes since 1898” (c) John Nelson)

Experiments with Aura Photos and Spirit Release Work

Sunday, November 10th, 2013

In October, my wife Cyrille was at a weekend seminar on Earth Energies with Janet Treloar, whom she came to know from a pre-course for a spiritual regression formation with Andy Tomlinson which she now is starting in GB. During the weekend Janet used an iPhone-app for aura-photography (saying that apps for Android etc. don’t give good results…).

Cyrille was curious (me too!) to do some experiments herself, and so she got the old iPhone from our youngest son Nikolas who installed the app (for less than 2 euros). However, Nikolas was sure, as well as his brother, that the app is creating just some “colour magic” and not making any subtle vibrations visible. Cyrille and I thought, let’s make some experiments. And though we don’t understand how the app really functions – it seems that it interprets the waves taken by the pics and renders them, sensing emotions and/or etheric forms –  and how to interpret the colours and forms which sometimes present in a seemingly random way but there are some astonishing effects.

Since some years, Cyrille is training her sensitivity and has been studying and practicing spirit release work. She took the camera and went on a walk in a nearby forest with a friend. There they did a number of shots. Her friend felt intuitively drawn to a certain area:


Both were surprised about this dark cloud. Cyrille sent some light in it, with little success, as the following pic shows. A dark spot remained.


Taken aback, they went closer. Cyrille felt her familiar shiver indicating some subtle presence. She guessed an earthbound being there. Together with her friend, they released it, invoking their souls and archangel Michael. After the work, but still feeling the presence of the light beings, the next pic was taken.


Cyrille’s experiments are inspired to a great degree by the very interesting book of Louise Ireland-Frey, MD: Freeing the Captives. I was thrilled to read it. Though it is of course a topic discussed controversially, we have seen impressive results ourselves when working with spirit release.

At another occasion two weeks ago, my wife did a remote spirit release work via Skype together with a friend, let’s call her Ann. Ann’s friend, let’s call her Marta, had submitted herself some days before into a psychiatric hospital due to a psychic crisis. Ann had the impression that there were dark energies around. Cyrille and Ann did a remote release for Marta. Cyrille felt that there was some dark energy around Marta, and before they started the work, she took the following picture of herself:


After the release work, the dark energy was gone. At the same evening, Marta quite of a sudden felt much better. The next morning she left the hospital. An accidental coincidence?

Cyrille noticed that the pics become clearer when she takes them with an inner focus. So for the next three pictures she invoked the devas of our garden and of two trees:

The deva of the old walnut tree

The deva of the oak tree

The deva of the garden

And here is a pic I took of myself when doing the first shots with the aura-app. There were pics of quite different colours and forms – as I said before, some seem to be random, others in tune with what we thought to correspond with the situation.

Traveling around the Red Planet and Montserrat Monastery

Friday, November 8th, 2013

I came across two very different videos which have something in common: Unmanned cameras provide vistas unseen before thus they discover astonishing new dimensions for a more holistic understanding.

The Government of Catalonia, Spain, has done a pilot project to evaluate the use of UAVs, popularly known as ‘drones’, in the field of public administration. They recorded images with drones inside and outside of the Abbey of Montserrat and the Montserrat Natural Park. Impressive views from bird’s eye.

Entering the Montserrat Monastery from above. Image (c) Generalitat de Catalunya

The other video is even more spectacular: 3D views of the valleys, canyons, lava flows and the highest known mountain in the Solar System on the surface of Mars. The pics are taken by a high resolution stereo camera on board the Mars Express spacecraft. The topography of the Red Planet appears so three-dimensional that you could walk through it. This is possible because of the unusual imaging principle used by the camera: Nine light-sensitive detectors sweep the surface in sequence from nine different observation angles. This data is then processed into three-dimensional images by the DLR German Aerospace Center.

The scientists put the camera images together piece by piece like a jigsaw puzzle, creating a global map of Mars. Of the 145 million square kilometres of the surface of Mars, 97 million have already been covered at very high resolution, where one pixel corresponds to less than 20 metres on the surface. Almost the entire surface of Mars has now been imaged at a resolution of better than 100 metres. “We can see the entire topography almost as well as if we were standing on Mars ourselves,” says Jaumann, project manager for the mission at the DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt).

The spacecraft with the camera on board was launched on 2 June 2003. Since its arrival at Mars six-and-a-half months later, it has orbited the planet over 12,500 times. The video was released by the DLR German Aerospace Center as part of the ten years of Mars Express celebrations in June 2013.

View of the Valles Marineris (C) DLR video

If you want to walk at the surface of the Red Planet, have a look at this 30° Gigapixel image from NASA’s Mars Exploration Program and its rover named Curiosity. Well, in view of the rugged surface, I wouldn’t like to live there.

“Maitreya” – A Free Software for Vedic and Western Astrology

Saturday, October 5th, 2013

Lately I came across the open source platform for Vedic and Western astrology,  Maitreya. It has been realised by IT architect Martin Pettau. He learned Yoga and astrology under the guidance of the late Yogi Paramapadma Dhirananda (from the Kriya-Yoga line of Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yogananda and Paramahansa Hariharananda).

The software is free for personal and professional use. It has been translated into a number of languages. All major desktop platforms are supported: Windows, Max OS X, Linux and UNIX.

Besides the technical details, you find on the website information about general and Vedic astrology and other topics. So if you are interested in working with the subtle aspects of time, this might be a helpful tool.

About the purpose of the software Martin writes:

  • First goal is to serve as tool. The software has a lot of standard features for the daily work of western and Vedic astrologers. So it can save their time and energy; they can concentrate on the work of interpretation.
  • Second goal is to enable astrologers for research. The program supports a lot of calculation options, so it can be used as a basis for research on the various questions of astrological calculation and interpretation.
  • Third goal is to attract people and motivate them to learn astrology. Learning astrology is a complicated task because formal knowledge of planets, signs, Dasas etc. is not sufficient, but intuition and non-attachment to worldly affairs must be developed, too. So a “cool” astrology software may help in increasing the desire for that kind of knowledge.

He further emphasizes: “Astrology cannot be learned from books. Astrological software can only be a tool for the astrologer’s work. So the name of the software emphasizes the importance of divine inspiration on top of formal knowledge or astrological techniques.” This is a very important hint.

As per the name of the software he explains: “In classical Indian scriptures Maitreya is the ardent disciple of Maharishi Parasara, the author of Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, the most prominent scripture of Vedic astrology. In this scripture the sage instructs his disciple on the various topics of Vedic astrology.”  If you want to read more about Maitreya, you might read the book “Lord Maitreya” by Sri K. Parvathi Kumar.

The software is free. In the FAQ-section it says:  “How can I make a donation?” – “Thank you for that noble offer. Please donate for religious purposes or for the poor and needy people on this planet.”

And this is a noble answer. There is a spiritual law which seems to be easy but is mostly forgotten today: As per the energetic balance there is no such thing as “free taking”. For everything you get or take without some kind of giving you receive and amass a subtle load. This is mostly not taken note of, even of those who “know” about it. This is true also for everything you get “free” from the web – and might be stocked on your computer, blocking some space on it, besides the energetic aspect.

So it is necessary to keep a good balance by more giving than taking. You don’t have to give towards the source from where you get something but you also can give in a direction where energy (money, time, loving attention) is needed. Otherwise you won’t really get any benefit of a program you download – you probably might not even use it.

Maitreya Series: Banners of the Coming One, by Nicholas Roerich, 1925-1926. Nizhnii Novgorod State Art Museum, Russia

Rare Pictures of the Earth seen from Saturn.

Sunday, July 28th, 2013

Some rare photos of the earth seen from Saturn circulate the media – taken on 19 July 2013 by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft – showing ed Saturn’s rings and our planet Earth as a small dot in dark space. And there is another pic with the raw material of the photo taken at the same day, just showing the raw photo of the earth and the moon seen from 1,44 billion kilometers away. This is only the third time ever that Earth has been imaged from the outer solar system.

The imaging team writes: “The July 19 Earth-imaging event marked the first time Earthlings had advance notice that their portrait was being taken from interplanetary distances. It was the also the first time Cassini’s highest resolution camera captured the Earth and its moon as two distinct objects… We may not be able to see individual continents or people in this portrait of Earth, but this pale blue dot is a succinct summary of who we were on July 19 … Cassini’s picture reminds us how tiny our home planet is in the vastness of space, but also testifies to the ingenuity of the citizens of this tiny planet to be able to send a robotic spacecraft so far away from home to take a picture of Earth and study a distant world like Saturn…

Pictures of Earth from the outer solar system are rare because, from that distance, Earth is very close to the bright sun. Just as a human being can damage his or her retina by looking directly at the sun, a camera’s sensitive detectors can be damaged by looking directly at the sun. Cassini was able to take these images because the sun had moved behind the planet Saturn from the spacecraft’s point of view, blocking out most of the light.”

Enjoy the awe-inspiring perspective from out of the vastness of space.

You can see here more about where Cassini is just now.


The earth seen from below Saturn’s rings. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

The earth and moon seen from Saturn. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

A New Moon of Neptune Discovered

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

Beginning of July, 2013, a new tiny moon of Neptune has been discovered. It is a fast little space traveller of 18 km in diameter surrounding Neptune in less than one day, and he has the non-poetic name of S/2004 N 1 but he brings Neptune’s retinue of known moons to fourteen. He took a good time for his discovery – there is just a precise great trine between Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter in the watery signs of Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer.

By the way, spiritual astrology hints at the link between Neptune and the music of the soul: In a seminar on Cancer Sri Kumar explained:

“The whole creation is the music of the soul, and the soul naturally responds to high quality of music. Our solar system itself responds to the music of Neptune. Neptunian music will put you out of your mind instantly. People are taken beyond their mental and buddhic planes directly into the soul plane to receive the related bliss.” So tune in to the subtle tunes of the sublime spheres.

(c) Wikipedia

Neptune (c) NASA

Coronal Rain on the Sun

Monday, July 1st, 2013

Today a Canadian friend sent me the link to a very impressive NASA-video / Goddard Space Flight Center, of the Astronomy Pictures of the Day. It is about a coronal hot plasma rain on the sun. The description says:

“Does it rain on the Sun? Yes, although what falls is not water but extremely hot plasma. An example occurred in mid-July 2012 after an eruption on the Sun that produced both a Coronal Mass Ejection and a moderate solar flare. What was more unusual, however, was what happened next. Plasma in the nearby solar corona was imaged cooling and falling back, a phenomenon known as coronal rain. Because they are electrically charged, electrons, protons, and ions in the rain were gracefully channelled along existing magnetic loops near the Sun’s surface, making the scene appear as a surreal three-dimensional sourceless waterfall. The resulting surprisingly-serene spectacle is shown in ultraviolet light and highlights matter glowing at a temperature of about 50,000 Kelvin. Each second in the above time lapse video takes about 6 minutes in real time, so that the entire coronal rain sequence lasted about 10 hours.”

Update, 2 July 2013: Besides beautiful images from the cosmos, there seem to be major energy shifts on many of the planets of our solar system, not only on earth. But on earth there are as well a number of recent changes. Have a look at this interesting video by “SuspiciousObserver”, thanks to my Canadian friend.

A screen-print from the video