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Flow of Aquarian Waters

On Monday our journey to the south continued. At noon we had a stop for a few ours in Reus at the apartment of a group member. It was a short, but very intense exchange.

A dancing Ganesha with his vehicle, the rat, at Reus

Later we continued our tour to Onda, a little town near Castellon. Since our navigation device didn’t find the street, Manolo waited at the entrance road and we followed him to their home, where he and Tere – and their dog – were giving us a warm welcome. I knew that 16 years ago Sri Kumar had installed a Krishna statue in their garden, which now greeted us at the entrance. The evening was filled with talks and a late dinner.

The magic of the early morning meditation

Venus sparkling in the early morning dawn

Next morning Manolo and Tere took us to a fountain in a nearby mountain area. The boot of the car was filled with cans which they wanted to fill at a fountain. We came to a small village, turned into a side-road and stopped in front of the source surrounded by a wall. Fresh water sprang forth out of five pipes and we started filling the cans. The water had a beautiful taste. On the rock above the source there was a ceramic picture of Mary as the protector of this source. When we were ready other people were already waiting to fill their cans. Afterwards we wanted to go for a walk, but the weather was too hot. So we sat at a resting place in the shade of some trees and listened to some stories of their lives and the music of the cicadas.

We had a beautiful evening meditation sitting in the shade at the Krishna statue. Later we saw a video of the installation of this statue and the first group livings there.

It was fascinating to see different members we knew how they looked like 16 years ago. At Onda they had prepared facilities with beds and kitchen for 20 – 30 persons and there had been quite a lot of group activities. However, in the last years the meetings had stopped and the physical connections had become rare. It seemed as if the distances had become longer. They are continuing with their inner and outer work and contribute to the group work. They are a group of souls living at different places but over all the years they stayed linked on their path.

I pondered on the many ways people work out their inner development and integrate it into daily life. Especially in the evening when we sat together for dinner with the 3 sons who all walk their own ways but at the same time are somehow impregnated by the energy.

Krishna on ceramics and the Aquarian water-pot in the garden – the flow of the waters of life

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