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spacerCircle of Good Will - Blog

Earth Expressions

I just received an e-mail from a friend in the States with the announcement of her book “Earth Expressions” which I’m adding here:

“I’m happy to announce, after 17 mo. in the design and production of an artistic workbook… it’s finally printed and ready for the kids!  (ages 7 to 107!) Please visit:
I’m grateful to the collaborators from many countries, and to all the supporters, including my daughter Diana who built the website.  Since the book has 50 crop circle photographs (plus the artistic exercises), in order to get the price below $15 – I had to finance 1000… so quantity shouldn’t be an issue!
If you would like to purchase a book locally, I can deliver or meet you, or mail from my house… Or, you can obtain one at Living Insights (6361 Clayton Rd.)… or buy one on line… (choose the most economical shipping rate offered).  If you have any problem, just let me know.
A book signing and talk-to-the-author event will take place at Mystic Valley (3212 Laclede Station Rd) on Sat. Nov. 19, from 1 to 4 pm.
Thank you!
In light and love,

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