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Guru Puja – Purifying Energies

Very early in the morning the bus brought us to the site where the Guru Puja celebrations were going on.

Kumari-Garu during a ritual in honour of Lord Ganesha

Sunday morning after meditation and breakfast Sri Kumar initiated the small children into education by introducing them to the mantram “OM Namah Sivaya”:When he intonated the mantram and the audience repeated it, the whole atmosphere resounded by the vibrations of the mantram.

Afterwards verses of an invocation to Lord Vishnu were intonated, as the opening of the Fire Ritual in honour of the Second Logos. When the flames were mounting higher and higher, the presence of the purifying fire of Agni spread its radiating energies throughout the atmosphere.

Master Kumar and Smt. Kumari Garu during the fire ritual

After the ritual some people of a regional TV-station approached Günter, Doris and me. They asked us to say some words about the importance of the Guru Puja celebration and our relation to Indian spirituality. I mentioned the deep inspiration of the eternal wisdom which India maintained through the centuries, helping humanity to find their way to the soul.

At the end of the fire ritual

A view of the assembly “hall” covered by colourful palaquins. This year there was much less space available than in the previous years, since one site less was available to accomodate the several thousand participants.

At the bookstalls.

In the afternoon after some recitations Master Sivananda Murthi Garu arrived and gave a lecture in Telugu in his modest, inspiring way.He spoke, among others, about terrorism and the conflict between India and Pakistan. In this context he said, that the rulers should be active, not passive like they are now. The people should pray for good will to prevail over the governments.

The first day of the Guru Puja ended with a flute concert.

Sri Kumar and Sri Sivananda Murthi Garu

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