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December Call 2019, Bangalore

The group lives are always a very intense time, offering many opportunities for growth of awareness and collaboration. I noticed that I have to be very attentive to perceive and pick up the blessing of a situation where a time window opens, sometimes just for a very short moment. I learnt to pay attention to this during the “morning walk meditations” over a field I have been doing the last year. Every day, every moment offers gifts which you can pick up or let them pass by unnoticed.

Way to the assembly hall

“December Call” means, the call of the Master consciousness. Master CVV has started these annual times of group initiation in 1910 with May Call and December Call, where you can receive, as a group, in group consciousness, an increased expansion of awareness. To apply it depends on your, on my inner wakefulness.

The Master yesterday mentioned to me in a talk that you can only can only receive and use them when you are living in a very rhythmic, ritualistic way (7th ray).

In Bengaluru I was accommodated on the fourth floor together with 9 other members in two rooms – it worked out to be very smooth. To keep up my early morning ritual of doing some yoga asanas and visualisation exercises, there was the chance of doing it outside, under the vast vault of heaven illumined by the morning lights of the surrounding streets. On the top of the house there were two satellite dishes turned towards the sky – they were for me like symbols of the inner focused listening to the call of the Master.

When one afternoon I was coming out of the house, there was a cow standing in the wild bushes next to the house with a bird on its back – a scene of unexpected beauty. I stopped to take out my camera and noticed the cow coming to me. For a moment I thought – any danger? She came directly to me, caressed me with her nose and looked at me with her deep eyes – a moment full of magic. We stood like this for a short while, then I said good-bye and proceeded.

One evening – it was already late because of some talks with members and the other had already returned – I set out for quickly walking back from the seminar site to the place of our stay when suddenly a motorbike stopped besides me and the driver asked, Shall I bring you home? A second I hesitated, for I did not recognise the person but then said yes and mounted on the back seat. He drove slalom around the holes in the road and in a short moment he dropped me at the house, me gratefully saying thank you. A number of similar situations have been popping up during the whole time of my stay – short, intensive encounters, ideas dropping manifesting into initiatives for future collaboration, Aquarian intensity like swimming in a rapid river stream.

The May Call seminar was full of hints and inspiration. In his second talk, the Master started:
“I know how difficult it is for the brothers and sisters who come from the West to wake up at 4 o’clock, and be here for the morning prayer. It is not easy. The body is put to much training through these morning exercises which is meant for utilising the body to the wish of the personality and to mobilise the body in according to the wish to the soul and align to the super soul. There would be complains of the body and of the personality. Change is for the good that you align your personality to the soul and the soul intents to bring in the divine to the body and the super-soul who is the Master. The Master gives the impulse otherwise we could not do this. It is decided by the Master in you that you are here and you come here again and again.”

The time ran by extremely fast, filled with powerful energies – a water ritual and a fire ritual, talks of members which the Master invited to share some thoughts – they partly were not from “our” group but they were from “the group”. On May Call, there were releases of new books, one on Hanuman, another on the Wisdom of Nakshatras, the 27 constellations of the zodiac much used in the East. Presentations by children and youngsters of dance and singing, introduction of children into first writing, distribution of gifts…

I had given the Master 5 photo-books with spiritual astrology paintings I had done over the last three years (there was just the completion of the 10th annual cycle of paintings related to the wisdom of the zodiac with 120 paintings). He wanted to present the book to the group and did so before the last meeting of a question and answer session, handing over one book for the library of the Bangalore group and one to a member who very creatively had started a number of WTT groups in different cities where he had been placed for a while on professional duty. It deeply touched me.
Then the last moment of the stay, the busses to the airport ready for departure, driving through the heavy city traffic, arrival at the airport, entering the plane and off we went. The landing in Vizag was also a magic moment – we were flying over the WTT retreat centre – a view down to the next group life. Inside the airport there were now beautiful works of art along the corridors and a “hanging garden” behind a golden Buddha statue greeting the visitors, a painting showing a meditator with the chakras – beautiful! The next phase of the journey started.

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