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Infinite Patterns: Connecting Geometry, Nature and Architecture

A friend sent me the link to a new video of Cristóbal Vila: Infinite Patterns (here on YouTube). Cristobal is a graphic designer, illustrator and art director in Zaragoza, Spain. His website Etereaestudios consists mainly of a gallery showing the outstanding work done by Cristóbal Vila within the field of 3D and digital imaging. I already had done a blogpost about some of his video works in February 2011. See here links to his work.

On his website, he writes about Infinite Patterns – Connecting geometry, nature and architecture:

“This is a new personal project that seeks to establish connections between various fields that interest me deeply: geometry, and how it appears linked to nature, on the one hand, and to art and architecture, on the other; raising relations between all of them. Somehow it would mean the fusion of the interests of two of my previous works: Nature by Numbers and Ars Qubica.”

Have also a look at another of his works, “Lux Aeterna” (Eternal Light) – a journey of light, from distant galaxies to small drops of water. Fascinating!

The video Infinite Patterns cannot be seen on other websites, please click on this link to see it on YouTube.

Picture (c) from the video “Infinite Patterns” by Cristóbal Vila

3 Responses to “Infinite Patterns: Connecting Geometry, Nature and Architecture”

  1. Murthy V V B S Says:

    Creativity has no ultimate, no end, no limit – its ever new – its very vast.

  2. Evelyne B. Says:

    thank you so much for all your wonderful contributions.

  3. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Thank you for your feedback 🙂 Hearty greetings!

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