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Two New Images: Sagittarius – Sagittarian Contemplations / The Cosmic Person

For the image “Sagittarius – Sagittarian Contemplation” I had created a silhouette of the Cosmic Person with a NASA photo of a star field in the Sagittarius constellation. I took it as an image of its own and reworked it a bit as per the shape, the stars and the colours. Thus, the second image “The Cosmic Person” came about. Here you find the descriptions:

We are a microcosm containing all the intelligences that constitute the Cosmic Person. When contemplating on this relation we realise that we are essentially the same as the cosmic being and we slowly regain the original perfection.

Our body is anchored in matter at the Muladhara, the base centre. Esoterically, the higher Muladhara is linked to Sagittarius. It is presided by Ganesha, the cosmic Jupiterian principle. When worshipped, Ganesha enables experiencing the brilliant light inside the spinal column and a speedy upward movement from Muladhara to Sahasrara. The ascent of consciousness is symbolized by the eagle.

I created a silhouette of the Cosmic Person with a NASA photo of a star field in the Sagittarius constellation. Since Sagittarius represents the time of pre-dawn, I fused a photo of a dawn with the stars. At the feet of the golden yellow Ganesha statue there is a lotus as a symbol of the Muladhara. The central axis of the cerebrospinal column of light is formed with a water jet. The soaring eagle is located at the Ajna centre of the Cosmic Person and a radiant blue star forms the top of the Sahasrara.

15 August 2017, pencils and photo work

The Cosmic Person

According to the wisdom teachings the basic pattern of the human being comes from the structure of the Cosmic Person called Purusha in the East. We as an inner person are in essence the same as the Cosmic Person. When we look within it creates the contact with the Person within and thereby opens the doors to meet the Cosmic Person outside. The Inner Person is called the Higher Self or the Soul. Its outer shade is the lower self or the personality. The outer Cosmic Person is called the Super-Soul. When we contemplate on the Person within we start realising our identity with the Cosmic Person.

For the image “Sagittarius – Sagittarian Contemplation” I had created a silhouette of the Cosmic Person with a NASA photo of a star field in the Sagittarius constellation. I now took it as a stand-alone image and reworked it a bit as per the shape, the stars and the colours.

24 August 2017, pencils and photo work

See more pictures on the site with my paintings. If you want to print the image, you can download the file in medium and high resolution format.
The different zodiacal signs are clustered in groups – you can see here all my Sagittarius paintings.

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