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On the Way to a Seminar in Spain

Wednesday morning when I left the house for catching the train to Zurich it was dripping outside and rather fresh – quite a contrast to the weather at arrival in Barcelona. At Zurich Airport I wanted to meet Sri Kumar and the travel team at a Starbuck café but although I arrived at the same time than they and I looked around several time, I didn’t see them and waited for a long time at the check-in: I hadn’t noticed that there was one more table in a corner…

Thus, we only met at leaving the airport at Barcelona. It was a warm welcome. And when we left the passenger area a group of Spanish group members with smiling faces was already waiting there. It was a very joyful moment – greeting friends exchanging some words, hearing some news…. Like in other years, Aurora had again prepared an Indian lunch for the Master and the team.

It is first stage of his 62nd tour to the West. For the next days, there will be a seminar about “An Approach to Aquarian Energies” in a hotel at the outskirts of Barcelona. While the team was going already to the hotel, Robert and two friends from Germany picked me up. Robert made a little detour to show us some nice parts of Barcelona before going to his home. And it was a nice stay there.

Approaching Barcelona

Warm meeting at Barcelona airport

Welcome by Spanish group members at the airport


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