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Narayan Krishnan – The Joy of Giving

An Argentinian friend sent me the link to a touching CNN video about Narayanan Krishnan, who was an award-winning chef with a five-star hotel group, on the way for an elite job in Switzerland. Before going to Europe he visited his family and there saw an elderly man lying on the side of the road, starving and filthy. Narayanan bought some food and gave it to the old man: “As he ate the food, his eyes were filled with tears. Those were the tears of happiness.” He decided in this moment that helping this man and those in need would be a life well-lived He started feeding starving people and founded the Akshaya Trust in Madurai, India, to restore dignity to people in need. You can also see him in a TEDx-talk about the joy of giving.

In 2010 Narayan was recognized as one of the World’s Top Ten Heroes of 2010 by CNN. An inspiring video about the power of good will.

Krishna Narayan (c) from the video of CNN

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