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In Memory of Irvin Schonbrun

Yesterday a friend informed me that Irvin Schonbrun from Vancouver, Canada, passed over peacefully to the subtle spheres beginning of December 2012.

I came into contact with Irvin in 2005 and soon he started helping proof-reading, first with the Lunar Messenger, later also with the Paracelsus Magazine and books. He often did the proof-readings during the free time of his night job. He was very committed to this work and he felt deeply drawn to it. And all who came into contact with him appreciated his ever reliable cooperation.

He once told me this contact helped him overcome a profound frustration on his spiritual path and gave him back joie de vivre. He had a big heart and a deadpan humour. We often exchanged jokes.

I already suspected that something had happened with him when he didn’t react on my mails in December. And while I was in India I got a message that his mailbox was blocked. I was thinking for a way to contact him, I knew none of his other friends and colleagues. The German friend who informed me did a web-search and contacted one of the places where he had been working. And so she got the information about his passing-over…

I will keep him in a good memory. May his soul ascend to the blissful planes of Eternal Light.

Extract from a photo on Irvin’s website, by Nancy McLean / Thi Vu

4 Responses to “In Memory of Irvin Schonbrun”

  1. V v b s murthy Says:

    His is great soul in the service of divine masters, I pray, may his soul reach the abode of divine peace.


  2. Gail Says:

    He was also a longtime member and supporter of the School for Esoteric Studies. We always appreciated his sense of humor, which revealed deep insights about human nature and spirituality.
    We are sure he is smiling down upon us.

  3. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Thank you Gail for your feedback. I appreciate the work of the SES and have some friends there. I didn’t know about his affiliation with you.

  4. Jan Chalecki Says:

    We are Immortal Reality Buddha’s Christ’s pretending to be mortal nonbuddhic non Christ. We each are the immortal spiritual elephant in the room the infinite context in which the separative egoic melodrama of mortalify appears disappears. Nothing Real is born or dies. We are Love Itself.

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