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New Location – New Perspectives

There were some turbulent days after our landing from India: 4 days later we moved to a new apartment in a neighbour village. Though we had prepared a lot in advance it was an intense course. The time of leaving the old place where we had lived for 16 years and now establishing at the new location reminds me of the interlude between two incarnations: All lessons learnt in the past life get stored into the permanent atoms and then the old sheaths are thrown off. Then new sheaths gather around the centre and the cells build up the new body as the dwelling place of the soul.

Many things were left behind, given to the waste disposal… In the new apartment many things did not fit in the way we had it in the old home: How to arrange the furniture, the home office, the meditation place, where to hand up the pictures, which new order to establish in the bathroom or the kitchen? A lot of decisions had to be made in common, and now, 10 days later, many things have found their new places, but a number of boxes with numerous articles still have to be emptied… So the “soul” has taken possession of its new body of incarnation.

Not only in the house, also in the surroundings adaptations have to be done: New neighbours, new places in the garage or the basement; The way to the office or to the shopping centres have changed, the distances and the perspectives are different. The new flat offers a wider horizon, a panoramic view through some trees and over some houses to the Alps. The house is located at the foot of a hill and we yesterday discovered some streets and paths… The ringing of the church bells gives us the time and meter of the day (it is just ringing while I write these lines). A new rhythm unfolds the dynamics of which we are still to discover. A new beginning, a new phase of our lives.

Saturday morning sunrise over the neighbour farmhouse, seen from the office room

View from the bedroom: a little stone cave with a meditating Buddha

View from the balcony: Some old timbered houses and the Alps in the background

The house seen from the neighbour farmhouse; we are living in the ground floor apartment.

View down from the hill behind our home

View of the Alps from the hill.

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