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“Good Will” on Facebook

At my office, I started 3 months ago some activities using new communication instruments. One of them is the use of Facebook for corporate communication, a social community website, the largest of the world, allowing to build-up groups of so-called “fans”.  It is fascinating to see the growth of the fans of the site, thus expanding the range of the communication target group.

I observed it with a critical interest, for I didn’t want to expand into trashy communication. I read a lot about the questionable sites of Facebook. I came to consider it a valuable instrument and pondered for a while upon using it as another communication channel for the Circle of Good Will. So profiting from the skills learned, I now set up two pages, one for the Circle of Good Will, and one which will be communicated a bit later…

When done with discernment, Facebook is a real Aquarian instrument: very easy to operate, networking and “pervasive” – though it might take some time until the “dynamics” of this instrument will develop.


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