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Gaming Craze

The last weeks my eldest son (17) has quite increased his online gaming activity – especially since he shifted to World of Warcraft. I had the feeling that he “closed up” to the outer and wondered where this might go. It reminded my of my “wild years” in the early 70ies (of course not in a digital world) and thought, “Is this a return of the times?”

After having met him twice around 3 o’clock a.m. when I woke up in-between (and he had started before 3 p.m., now during holidays), my wife and I discussed what to do. Is a gaming addiction getting hold of him? Is it a state of pupation during adolescence? Is anything else wrong with him?

Next day my wife had a talk with him where they explored the gaming situation. He was quite open to enter into the reflection. She showed him that about 50% of his energy potential is being invested in gaming, 5-10% in other hobbies and the remaining 40% in school and a little help at home (nearing the per mill region…). Luckily he has enough energy and intelligence to get along with the situation without being devoured …

He said that gaming fascinates him most and that other things are more boring to him. She showed him the Rider tarot card of the Ace of Cups and told him, it seems he only reacts on other things with pressure and doesn’t find anymore access to his inner source. So he isn’t getting into a flow with the energy from within. The flow isn’t a
He understood quite well and answered that normally he likes doing things with the hands, he likes even doing dish-washing or helping to hang-up the laundry or especially his work at the scouts. The thing with the dish-washing and the laundry was new to us – my wife always had the feeling that she has to break through a wall to get him do anything. Though the fascination of gaming continues to be strong, we felt a relief that one day or the other also this gaming craze might come to an end…


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