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Reading Faster – Understanding Slower?

We are living in speedy times. If you like to speed it even up, here is a tip, from a newsletter which I received today at my office:

If you want to read long texts faster than before, you can try Spreeder, a free onlinie speed reading service. You just have to copy the text into a field, put the setting of the WPM (Words per minute) on a value between 250 and 300 and click “play”: Spreeder now sends the single words of the text one after the other onto you screen and you can read the text without having to move your eyes through the lines. With a little concentration you can thus read the text faster.

Whether you also understand faster, or even deeper, remains a question to be solved. Depth doesn’t come from speed, but from growth of consciousness, inner silence and a good balance in life.

In the cockpit of a glider, April 2007

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