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Finding our Common Origin – Sanskrit and Kikongo Wisdom Teachings

The Globe. A sculpture in the building of the United Nations in Geneva.

The teachings of timeless wisdom tell us, that there are traces of the teachings found everywhere on the globe, expressing through the Scriptures and spiritual teachings of many nations (see our booklet on H. P. Blavatsky).

Two days ago I got an e-mail from a friend living in Brazzaville, Congo, who wrote to me about fascinating parallels between the Eastern wisdom teachings and Kikongo, his mother tongue:

“All the material I receive from you helps me establish a link with the traditional religion of our ancestors akin to ancient Egyptian spiritual practices. Focus being made on positive aspects of course.

It is called “Kinzambi kia Kongo” meaning “Solar Religion”. Kikongo being my mother tongue it is also an ethnic group living in Central Africa: DRC, Congo, Gabon, Angola… and members can found in other areas of the globe: Southern part of African, Americas, Asia…

I also suspect some kinship between Sanskrit and Kikongo in terms of vocabulary and vibration. By way of examples the most sacred sound in kikongo is OMAKONGO (OM AKONGO think of the pranava OM). Again kundalini is to be found in kikongo too. Kunda is like the base or springboard from which the spine (kilini or lini in kikongo) can be activated.

In the same connection, KONGO is a sacred sound in kikongo meaning the Sun, Universe, God, Power , Love, Wisdom… is the highest title in Japanese Buddhism. Its equivalent in Sanskrit is Vajra.

As for Shamballa, traces of its origin can also be found in kikongo. Sha = city in old kikongo; mbala = name of a tribe with relations to divine power.

Melekisedeki. Mele = targeted towards, Kisedeki = Heart of the Sun.

NGUM & NZA in Kikongo means Solve & Coagula in Alchemy, Yang & Yin for Chinese wisdom. Ngum = Spirit and NZA= matter. In pronouncing this mantra you can feel similarities with HAM SA…

The sound NGUM (I found in some Buddhist texts that GUM is used to correct negative aspects of someone’s life) was vocalized by our ancestors to fight, clear negativity. The following mantra is OM GUM GANAPATAYI SVAHA dedicated to Ganesha is revealing enough.

A Six-rayed Star is said to be the symbol of Kongo people. One triangle represents GOD with his three attributes: LOVE, WISDOM and WILL; the other one three divine ancestors of kongo religion. Be it said by passing that Ne KUTUMI (similarities with Master KOOT HUMI) is one of the great divine ancestors in tradition.

In Avalokitesvara’s mantra OM MANI PADME HUM there is the word Mani. The same word in kikongo is regarded as the title given to an initiate who has attained enlightenment. Hence the term MANI KONGO given to the old king of Kongo Kingdom in the 13th century. He was said to have a divine consciousness while living on earth.

In Kukai’s mantra is NAMU DAISHI HENJO KONGO (Homage to Maitreya). we see the word KONGO. Kukai is the Highest Priest in Shigon.

In Bagavad Gita, Krishna says of letters: ” I am A”. In kikongo AKONGO (A KONGO) is the name of HIGH GOD. (AKONGO = OMAKONGO) .The first letter of the kikongo alphabet is “A”, just like in hebrew with Alef, latin Alpha. Kikongo alphabet has equally 22 letters just like hebrew. Think of the 22 chapters of the Book of Revelation in the Bible.

Maha in Sanskrit means Great; it is the same thing in kikongo. Hence words mahatma, MahaLowa in kikongo (Great Sun = Vairocana).”

He also gave me a text where he is going a bit more into details. I sent it to some friends who were very much touched by it. A friend from Argentina replied:

“Thank for sharing the African e-mail with me. It made my imagination fly to the planets interplay and Shiva’s dance. It is so joyful to find our common origin that we can hardly realize how the diaspora took place among the human beings. Everything has to be experienced, I guess. This reminded me when Roberto got in touch for the first time with Celtic music. He was astonished to find out that it contained even tango as well as tarantella in it. Going backwards, if possible, we should be able to trace the OM…
So many sounds have lost their significance, … that’s why the Master says that the degradation of languages shows the degradation of people. The pulsation, perhaps?”

3 Responses to “Finding our Common Origin – Sanskrit and Kikongo Wisdom Teachings”

  1. Romaine Says:

    Absolutely amazing!!! We are all one

  2. Padma Lakshmi Says:

    Hi there…Thanks for the nice read, keep up the interesting posts about om mani padme hum..what a nice Wednesday .

  3. nataklie shpp Says:

    kongo, i actully went to a workshops on the bukongo led by one of our cheifs ,was taught so much ,once you learn about kikongo it will have a great uopn you life for always so much more for us to learn.

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