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UAP Research and Intergalactic Conversations

Though I’m more interested in journeys into inner space than stories about visits from outer space (by the way, what is outer and what is inner?), I found this interesting:

The media reported that Geipan, the French UAP (unidentified aerospace phenomena) research and information group has opened its archives on March 22nd, after 30 years of collating sightings and field investigations. Geipan (Groupe d’études et d’information sur les phénomènes aérospatiaux non-identifiés) is a national agency belonging to the CNES – Centre national d’études spatiales.


Most of their observations are normal phenomena, like thunderbolds and clouds, but among the over 1 600 observed cases with about 6000 reports, there is quite a number (about 28%) which cannot be explained and remain enigmatical. Here is a French description of some cases.

In Paris, at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie they have an exposition until July 07 – Alone in Space – From Fiction to Reality. At the entrance of the site there is an alien with whom you can make an intergalactic conversation, you can ask questions – a funny game.


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