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A Letter from Japan

I today got the following letter from the Spanish mailing list of WTT, with a call for prayer from Japan, from March 12th, which in view of the urgency of the situation I publish here.

“Erika Sotoyama escribió:

Dear Friends!
There were big earthquakes and a lot of big Tsunami in Japan from yesterday and still continue as you watched the TV. Many people died and many places are destroyed so hard.
We are still alive here but we do not what happen in tomorrow, not only tomorrow, today also.
Please do deep meditation and send Ki to Japan, especially concentrate on the nuclear plant in Fukushima. It is the most important problem now!
The situation is very very dangerous now. The water to heat down the Reactor core did not work yesterday because of the lack of electricity, and the temperature became higher. If it explodes, we will die soon. Today some air with a Nuclear material was out from there…
And it is not a problem only in Japan but also all the world, at least half of the earth is polluted so serious.
In these days are very important for the destiny of the earth!
Deep meditation with tenshin, strong Kiai from Tanden, do not worry about everything, with the Ki of Universe will help you and us.
And please tell it or send this mail to the other nice people, seitai friend, your friend, please!
I believe your cooperation.
We do not fear about everything but we think we may do some more if we live in the earth a little more.
Best wishes with friendship and Love.
Kunio, Mutsuko and Erika from Japan”

While preparing the blogpost a friend from Germany just me the link to “A Letter from Sendai” published in the American Ode magazine.

A map of the nuclear power plants of Japan, from Wikipedia

PS (one day later): I got a link from a friend in New Caledonia about the effects of the fire ritual (Agni Hotra) in neutralising the effects of nuclear radiation, from the Spiritual Research Foundation. Whatever is the truth in it, the fire ritual is a powerful cleaner for the atmosphere.


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