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Experiences with Meditation

Yesterday evening we had the second public evening of our evening themes on Meditation – Experiment and Experience. It was Scorpio New Moon, and the atmosphere was quite different from the first meeting: At new moon times you might feel more more oriented to the inner, to letting-go. So some people let the meetings go, and we were 10 persons, four externals, three of them from last time.

Fitting to Scorpio I spoke about difficulties and hindrances on the spiritual path: So when you start meditating, you might think of beautiful experiences of light, inner silence, expansion, harmony and clarity, but instead you often experience fog, dullness, drowsiness, bubbling emotions, thoughts jumping like monkeys or blocked energy and the feeling that the inner light is switched out. There is quite a lot of personality filth covering the lamp of the soul, and the inner light cannot shine through. In our inner being we are the soul, the I AM expressing through the personality, but living in the personality we get quickly totally lost in activities and all kinds of fancies. We had a look at the 10 obstacles Patanjali explains in his yoga teachings (read more about them here) and how to overcome them with the help of spiritual instruments. However, the work with the instruments such as sound, colour, mantrams, doing activities of good will, isn’t a magic wand giving instant enlightenment such as many hope for and others promise to give.

Afterwards my wife guided the meditation, including the observation of respiration. There was a deep silence present in the room, and the noise from the restaurant was suddenly far, far away.

Afterwards people spoke about their experiences, which ranged from sleepiness to feelings of great expansion and light. It’s always again surprising how in a group generally the meditation experience is easier and more smoothly then when you do it alone.


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One Response to “Experiences with Meditation”

  1. Susanne Engel Says:

    das tat gut zu lesen! Genau diese Erfahrung mache ich auch immer wieder. Manchmal hab ich kaum Mut und denke: heute kannst du doch keine Meditation anleiten, so wie du “drauf” bist. Und siehe da, in der Gruppe ist es dann plötzlich ganz anders….
    Liebe Grüße

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