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A Power Play

Last week the management body of my office decided to introduce MS-Sharepoint for our intranet and document management, and I’ll be in charge of the project management. It had been quite a way until this decision came about, and I breathed a sigh of relief, for our old system is a bit run-down… As soon as the contract documents with the agency who will do the implementation is signed, the project can start, and it will keep me busy for the next months.

The contract documents… There was a draft of the agency, but our internal lawyer didn’t agree with it: He just wrote another draft, with some specifications I added: “He who pays the piper calls the tune” he said, “I’m sure they’ll agree if they want to have the job.” Now it’s their turn. A power play shaping the conditions of the relation.

In business it is quite normal that when you want something you start exerting power in a direct or indirect way. Often you don’t recognize it, and it’s very common. In spirituality you learn not to exert personal power, but let things evolve, recognizing the trend of the plan or time and acting along that line. Personal power normally creates polarities, integration or synthesis requires inclusion of opposite viewpoints. Whether an act is to be a confrontation or a clearance depends on the underlying motives. You might like to read a bit more about the Power of Motives.

E-waste, the flip-side of our progress

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