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Value or Non-Value?

It was only after the death of my father that I dared selling my coin collection which had been in my father’s safe for over 30 years. Selling it would have been a sacrilege to my father, and I only had sold three valuable coins about 12 years ago to help a friend, and my father hadn’t noticed it.

Though I knew that most of the coins were of not much value for collectors, though there were some old ones in the collection, I thought that a number of them – special editions of 5 and 10 Deutsche Mark – would be interesting to sell. We went to a coin dealer in the city of Münster. They told us that years ago it would have been worth selling them, but now they had no more value except the nominal DM-value which we could change at the Bundesbank to Euros. For the big folder with all the other coins they gave me 30 Euros, and at the building of the Bundesbank, in a high-level security room, the DM-coins melted to some Euro banknotes.

When we left, I felt happy and free: a tie that had bound me for a long time had fallen off, and the energy blocked in the coin collection had finally been released.
You might like to read the text on “Money and Good Will” from the Good Will in Action-series.


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