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Archive for the ‘Nature and Man’ Category

Sublime Beauty of Planetarium Watches

Saturday, June 5th, 2021

A friend sent me the link to a page of the website of Van Cleef & Arpels, a French luxury jewelry, watch, and perfume company. The page is about their vision of Poetic Astronomy® with planetarium wristwatches. They write about the “Midnight Planétarium watch“:

“…the Midnight Planetarium watch captures Earth and five of its neighbors in the solar system (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) as they revolve around a rose gold Sun. Each planet, represented by a meticulously fashioned ornamental stone, moves at its true pace relative to the Sun: Saturn will take over 29 years to make a complete circuit of the dial, while Jupiter will do the same in just under 12 years, Mars 687 days, Earth 365 days, Venus 224 days and Mercury 88 days. The wearer of the Midnight Planétarium watch can also choose his lucky day: on the selected date, Earth will move to a position directly below the star engraved on the sapphire crystal.”

The website is very well done, with poetic video presentations, even if the prices of the astronomic watches probably will be “in the stars” for you – and me. The two pictures are from their videos (copyright Van Cleef & Arpels) And have a look at their videos – excellently done.

Such watches might also be spiritually understood not just a beauty accessory but as visualising the macrocosm reflecting in the microcosm, and keeping the relation visually present. It is the Science of Correspondences which is at the basis of our relation to the universe.

Questions about the ‘Why’ of Diseases of Masters

Sunday, April 18th, 2021

I recently had an exchange with a seeker from the West about various questions relating to the wisdom teachings as given by the World Teacher Trust. – The photos are from morning walks through our neighbourhood and not related to the content.

On one of the first e-mails the lady replied: “Again, many thanks for this, especially to Master Kumar. Maybe there will be an opportunity for me to participate at a meeting with him…”

I answered: “Master Kumar will not travel to the West anymore. In February 2020, Master Kumar became very weak. On April 14, 2020, he was hospitalised with cancer and lost consciousness for 5 days. During this time his wife died. He came back again because his work is not finished yet. After the first chemo, he just let himself be treated with homeopathy for a while, but then a second chemo became necessary…”

She: “I was very much occupied by the reference to the illness of Master Kumar and I asked myself how it can come to such a disbalance in the physical body of a master? Maybe it is a naive thought, but that a person with this spiritual background and the connection to Master CVV falls victim to such an aggressive disease, I would not have suspected and this gives me some puzzles. Was there any explanation on the part of the WTT or maybe even from Master Kumar?
Were or are under these circumstances fundamental assumptions of the theoretical frame of reference of the spiritual background of the WTT again put to the test? Could it be purely theoretically that not all basic assumptions contained in the publications and recommendations derived from them are doubtlessly, correct? I ask for your indulgence, but I would be grateful to learn how this -for Master Kumar unfortunately very sad circumstance- is dealt with in the community.”

Me: “There are often things where we run into the void with our (mental) urge for the ‘why and how something is so’. We also cannot see from our limited view why something is chosen where by a Master. Master Kumar often told how the great Masters Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (Wikipedia: ‘On August 16, 1886 Ramakrishna died of throat cancer in the circle of his disciples.’) and Ramana Maharshi chose to choose a serious disease like cancer. (Wikipedia: ‘In 1949, a cancerous tumour was discovered on his arm. Ramana underwent four operations, but refused to have his arm amputated. When he died on April 14, 1950, he assured those left behind, “That which is me cannot die because it was never born”.’)

I have not attempted to explain Sri Kumar’s illness, nor do I know of any such attempt. However, I am very impressed with the way he deals with it. … For me, due to the illness, the teachings of the WTT are not at all ‘on the test bench’, on the contrary, he shows, as he teaches, that we all use the body as a vehicle, which we will also replace again like a car that has become unusable, in order to get a better model.
I have studied his teachings intensively, but I do not see that even in purely theoretical terms a revision of basic assumptions would result from the present situation. It is very stringent to me. I have, over the years, gone through enough doubts and also chasms, where I had often also received great support through him. I also think there is not ‘one’ way the community deals with the situation, but everyone has their own approach. (I sometimes said it seems to me that there are as many WTTs as there are people in it – because the understanding is in each case that of the person).

She: “Thank you for your extensive explanations, which show me that there are many more aspects to be considered and that the illness of Master Kumar can be seen from completely different angles. I had left unconsidered in my questions and considerations the fact that the ways of a Master can be unfathomable and elude our limited horizon. There seems to be in the connections and the interaction between the 7 bodies of a human being still other connections than those discussed so far. Possibly a disbalance with a Master can be balanced differently than it is possible with a ‘normal mortal’. In my opinion, a cancer illness mostly indicates an imbalance and an unresolved problem in the psyche, which has become somatized. Thereby not ‘redeemed’ and ‘repressed’ aggressive impulses often play a supporting role in this kind of illness. The fact that all Masters mentioned by you have left the incarnated life because of exactly this disease, seems to me to be no coincidence……
Life on earth is complex and the backgrounds and connections are multilayered and often difficult or even impossible to understand. It is important that Master Kumar is in harmony with himself and it is nevertheless so far well for him.
I am very grateful to the WTT that the spiritual teachings have been made accessible to everyone and I thank them again expressly.”

Me: “Yes, there may be other possibilities for the influence of a Master. However, unlike what average people do or would like to do, they do not use their knowledge and abilities for themselves. They allow what happens to them to happen. Often initiates have explained that this is a way they neutralize any remaining physical karma by remaining neutral to it. Whether that is cancer or some other disease, whether it is an accident or even, as often happened, for example with Buddha, a poisoning by a follower, or even, as in the most famous example of Jesus Christ, a crucifixion.
An average person would certainly have quickly found ways to escape this.

The Master is also not concerned with ‘being in harmony with himself’, but with the divine – whether he, as a personality, is doing well, is of no importance to him. In a small booklet about H.B. Blavatsky I once wrote:
‘In spite of great bodily pains, she continued the work on the “Secret Doctrine”. By the end of 1886, her state of health was so critical that she was temporarily in a coma and made a will on the insistence of her friends. However, the “Secret Doctrine” was not yet finished, but after one night where she was near her end and the doctors had already given her up, to the great surprise of her friends, she sat up in her bed with wakeful eyes and said: “Master was here, he gave me the alternative either to die and to be free or to live and finish the ‘Secret Doctrine’. He warned me of further great pains and torments, if I would choose to live. But when I thought of all those serious students, who are waiting for help from me, and of the storm-shaken society, for whom the ‘Secret Doctrine’ could be an anchor…” Then she asked for coffee and her tobacco tin…’
Several times, I have also observed this attitude with Master Kumar.”

Spring Morning Light

Friday, March 19th, 2021

A day before spring equinox in the northern hemisphere, a radiant morning sun shed its light through the narrow opening between houses into my study and meditation room. The azalea in the flower pot started to shine and also the St.-Germain picture in the background.

On the balcony, the OM sparkled in the shrub, while in the background the morning sun drew contours on the snow-covered mountains.

An Easter egg beamed on the bush in the garden next to the kindergarten around the corner.

And beyond the field path, a shrub was raising its pink blossoms against the dark blue morning sky.

A Spring Walk

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

Nine days ago, there was the first spring day with clear blue sky. A week before it was ice cold and snow on the fields. Now the temperature had jumped up. We went out for a walk around Schlosswil, a little village in the surroundings with a castle from the 13th and 16th century. Here are some impressions for you to enjoy.

Between light and shadow – walking uphill
A view of Schlosswil with the castle which you can already see from far
A chamois head looks out of a wooden pile…
Model airplane approaching
“Air traffic”
Tree alley on the way to the castle
The Castle and surrounding park is a Swiss heritage site of national significance.
Rainbow reflection
Tree decoration and sun clock at the first floor
Wooden structure with trees in front of the castle.
Moon in 10th ascending phase above the birch tree
Pond with the fountain
Main entrance to the castle. The walls of the tower from 13th century are about 4 metres thick.
The symbol of the castle, which now is run by a private foundation

On the website of the castle it says that there are almost 400 paintings distributed throughout the castle. The apartment corridor is decorated with a cow picture gallery (18th/19th c.) with 31 paintings.

Village church
Back to the beginning of the walk
A milk churn as a guardian in front of a farmhouse / old mill

A Sunrise in the Nilagiris

Saturday, January 30th, 2021

This morning, a friend of mine sent me a short video of today’s sunrise at Durga Mountain, also called Master Mountain in the Nilagiris, the Blue Mountains of South India. It reminded me of our visit December 2016.

I had planned for last December to go there again with a group – but the strict regime of “Lady Corona” thwarted our plans. At least this way you can look digitally “through the keyhole” and see the beauty of this place.

Video by A V R Ramakrishna
Sunrise on 25 Jan. 2021, photo by A V R Ramakrishna

A Winter Solstice Celebration

Friday, December 25th, 2020

Last Monday, Winter Solstice, getting up like every day around 20 to 5, taking a shower, doing some asanas and preparing for breakfast. But the solstice energy was already very much in my awareness, a very special moment of the year. At the longest night, in the Northern hemisphere, when the Sun enters Capricorn and is about to begin its seeming northern journey until Cancer., it is helpful to lift oneself up from matter to spirit.

The morning meditation was the WTT group gathering via Zoom – a new ritual since the beginning of the “Corona age”. This morning with a nice solstice video presentation prepared by the Spanish communication team.

After breakfast, when I was about to leave the apartment, my little granddaughter, who had surprisingly come the night before, came out of the bedroom and asked me, “Where are you going?” “I have told you yesterday that today I will meet with some friends at the Paracelsus centre to celebrate Winter Solstice”. I explained to her that from today on, the darkest day of the year. the days will start becoming lighter again. And that there is a rhythm of the earth, so that we will come again to summer. in six months. “Ah, that’s how it is”, she said with wonder in her words; “see you tonight again”.

I picked up Mathilda at the train station. When we were about to enter the highway, we saw a strong orange light behind the forest. I changed direction and we drove to a little hill behind a nearby shopping mall. There was a breathtaking view of the Bernese Alps – a grand panorama. We greeted the solstice sun and received the golden light into us.

It was a short moment and the colours started quickly fading again when we took the highway. Soon it was grey all around and later foggy. About two hours later we arrived at the Sihlsee near Einsiedeln. Here, winter was still around.

We turned into the little side road and soon arrived at the Paracelsus centre. In the past years, we had frequently met there at winter solstice, but this year, for a longer time, it was not sure if we could do so. The day before, Austria closed its frontiers to Switerland, and so our Austrian friends could not come. Others also had withdrawn due to the present situation. But since the present Swiss regulations allow such little meetings with due hygiene measures, we decided to keep up with the ritual. And two other friends joined us at the Paracelsus centre – putting on masks.

The “Devil’s Bridge” next to the birthplace of Paracelsus
The memorial stone at the bridge

Inside, we arranged a little altar with some fir twigs, flowers and candles. We we started with a small candle ritual and meditation.

It was a special day: 21 years ago, three times seven, in December 1999, the centre had been inaugurated by Master Kumar with a seminar on Paracelsus and his ways of healing. There was much snow around when the entire seminar group came in small batches from Einsiedeln to the centre. It is located above a restaurant, where we took lunch together. Exchanging about it brought back the souvenirs.

Now, at winter solstice, we read about “Sun’s Grandeur” and the ritual of Deergha Tamas (PDF), in the book on “Sun” by Master Kumar, p. 131ff, which is related to the mystery of winter solstice (see also the hymn in Appendix 1).

After the noon meditation, our two friends had to leave already. We prepared lunch and later did a promenade in the nearby area.

The path was full of snow and ice and there was profound silence around. A pale winter sun shone through the trees.

At one place we could see the house of the Paracelsus centre with the bridge.

Later, we did an inventory of the books in the centre and had an exchange. After evening meditation, the journey back home started. There was a strong rain and the lights on the highway were glittering on the street.

When I came back home, my little granddaughter was still awake. My wife told me that she wanted to wait for me. And so I told her about the day before going to sleep.

Living with the Wisdom Teachings – correspondence part 7: Microdosing Drugs and Inner Guidance

Sunday, December 13th, 2020

At one point, the correspondence with my young Indian friend touched the question of ethical issues in microdosing psycho-drugs, esp. Psilocybin. The illustrations are from a walk along the Aare river in the municipality where I am living – not related to the content.

My friend wrote: “I don’t remember if I told you this previously but I started researching on microdosing of Psilocybin to see if it can be used to treat psychological problems like postpartum. It’s a very exciting study and with a lot of luck I’ll probably be able to do a clinical trial to study its performance. Please let me know if you sense any ethical issues with the aim of this study.”

My answer: “As per Psilocybin / ‘Magic Mushrooms’: Microdosing might be an interesting field of research. Here in Switzerland a psychiatrist team officially got permission to experiment with microdosing LSD. (I had done self-experiments with LSD, about 10 trips in 1973-74, before starting meditation; for 3 years at that time, I also smoked a lot of hash – I felt attracted to the Hippie movement and ‘expansion of consciousness’.)
It is difficult to understand the long-term impacts. Depression seems to be a problem related to missing soul contact. I do not clearly know about the subtle effects of psycho-drugs but it seems that they have effects of tearing apart subtle etheric veils.

The brain is the instrument for the soul to incarnate through, built by the Lords of Form (Lunar Pitris), and it took very long to develop the right forms for the souls to enter. When these forms are somehow affected, the expression cannot be stable or is seriously hampered.
If microdosing helps to remove blockages must be studied in such experiments – ask for inner guidance the inner team of healers as per such experiments.
I know from the trance work of my wife that she had success to a certain degree with treating depression – in the process, she is ‘taking the place of the soul’, triggering the soul contact of the patient who is not able to hold it him/herself); but in serious cases it needs treatment with psychopharmaka. It is certainly worthwhile researching if psilocybin opens new vistas.
So I don’t see ethical issues as such but try to stay in inner contact with the processes initiated.”

She answered: “For a while, I had the feeling of the presence of an inner guide. It was not the / a Master, maybe an elder helper. In the Tibetan’s books it is described that elder disciples help the younger ones from inside; this reminds me of a message Master KPK sent us recently. He said that seniors help juniors. The way your wife has a team of inner doctors helping, I hope I’ll get a team of pharmacologists, clinical researchers, statisticians and neurologists to help me advance my research on psychedelics.
I was repeatedly thinking of this ‘joke’ in my mind and then a thought came out of nowhere. It said, ‘Wisdom wasn’t given to Madam HPB for free. She had to take a very tough training before becoming capable of receiving all that wisdom’.
This thought felt like a gentle slap in my face. I understood that I should first be worthy of guidance to receive it and this totally makes sense.”

Epidemics and the Effort of Earth to Purify Itself

Saturday, February 22nd, 2020

The newspapers here are full of articles about the coronavirus and epidemics. Today, our regional newspaper published a long interview with the Chinese ambassador in Switzerland telling that the peak of the coronavirus crisis has been passed, and another article about “The coming plagues – Viruses are unpredictable. Despite modern medicine, we have to live with them”…

This morning, I read again an article in the Vaisakh Newsletter, Pisces 2020, p 10. Though already written in October 2019, before the spread of the coronavirus, it is like a comment to the present situation. In the article, Dr Sri K. Parvathi Kumar elaborates a seed thought of Master Koot Hoomi on Shambala striving hard to arrest deteriorating conditions on the planet even by promoting natural calamities like epidemics – and man being the unconscious contributor to the spread of such poisonous viruses. Here is an excerpt:

“Shambala embarked upon the responsibility of purifying and uplifting the Earth. In its effort to keep the Earth pure, Shambala strives through the Hierarchy to educate the humanity of the need for keeping the Earth pure. While Earth is striving towards purity, the humanity is working contrary to the Earth’s plan. The humanity is consistently and constantly polluting the earth. Unless the irresponsible nature of humanity is set right, the effort of Earth to purify itself remains undone. The matter, the water as well as the air are deeply polluted upon Earth. The illicit and immoral activity of humanity infected the Earth with infectious germs, variety of poisonous fevers and epidemics that emerge from time to time. The old epidemics are replaced by the new and more vicious fevers. Varieties of viruses are prevalent upon Earth. Man is afraid of the geometrical progression of viruses but he least realizes that he is the unconscious contributor to the spread of poisonous viruses.
Shambala strives hard to arrest these deteriorating conditions if and when the deterioration is rampant. It even promotes natural calamities such as earthquakes, explosion of volcanoes, tsunamis, tornadoes and the like. If required, mass scale wars are also promoted. The Will of Shambala is invincible.”

Indian mosquito – though not related to the spread of coronavirus, it is a symbol for the spread of dangerous viruses

Article of a Friend: Climate Change and Environmental Problems: the Very Great Confusion

Monday, February 10th, 2020

I normally only post articles written by me. This, however, is an exception – sharing an article of a friend. It is published on the site Radiyam, administered by her. Also in French. Any comments please to her contact address.
She wrote in her e-mail: ” Here is a new article to put things in real perspective about  the climate change. Too many information are incomplete or distorted. Truth must be heard. Thank you for dispatching it at all levels.
With cordial greetings
sylvie touranne geographer, life coach, homeopath

“The «Friday strikers», the grouped activists, the young and old alike who are moving around these issues, actually form huge layers of glamourous clouds across the planet. Another pollution. They unfortunately undermine any true action. And this is a pity. For, among them, are innovative individuals with creative ideas and solutions. Those are able to find the right ground to the effective changes on harmful habits.

Talks and comments of all those crowds are quite childish unfortunately. When they are not instrumentalised. Through (pseudo) scientific, economical, or governmental information. It is true that we could forgive the very young pupils their lack of discrimination. But they take ownership of the public road in anarchic ways. And this is more serious. As they do know naught of what it is about. Or so little. Quite far from the right of expression, the right of opinion, and that of gathering in groups.

So, let us be clear and let us start by so-called scientific utopias, relayed by the media in unfortunate «fake news»: struggle against the climate is not possible. To protect the climate is not possible. Lower the mean temperature is not possible. Those talks are an implausability with no scientific substantiation. For scientific measurements, statistics and resulting theories m do not take into account the the time required for realistic values.

Climate is not meteorology.

Climate is not only CO2 in the atmosphere.

Climate and planetary variations must be evaluated upon dozne of centuries, and millenaries.

Planet Earth climate has its source in the Sun evolution and its structure.

The Sun is the key to the climate cycle lived on the ground of Planet Earth.

The Sun is alwas the key when we speak about Life.

The Sun is always the key, when we speak about consciousness and illumination.

Those scientists who avoid the Sun datas and its actual cycle, are not in the stream of real truth.

We are now in a major threefold cycle: terrestrial, solar, galactic.

Which involves multiple changes. In all Life Kingdoms on Earth. And the basic universal law that applies is always the same: conscious advancement, rejuvenation, rebuilding can only operate after the destruction of old forms. What we are witnessing every day. Until we can adapt. The quicker the better.

What MUST CHANGE upon our planet, which plan stops at letter A, regards the environment that we modify by our acts and habits, to overcome. So then the activists are right to move. But with appropriated datas and information that suit such an engagement.

Environmental pollutions and their following disasters are the avoidable consequence of economical and industrial development of the nations. The risks involved are related to the ingorance of functionings, that must be better managed and assured.

But some have understood that they could easily use without restriction nor morality what Nature offers freely, and drain it the most possible: this is the environmental crime !

It exist internationally at all levels.

A gainful economy, so close to the big business of drugs, that reaches amounts around 200 billion dollars… Practices like wood industries (deforestation), pharma and agro-food industries, oil (continental and oceanic), bio technologic industries, waste industry. Benefits have no more limits. But above all, the actors of this criminality gather together very openly at the «must» international reunions, where hyper powers are packed to deliberate on possibilities of «raising the number of zeros» to their criminal practices and growing sales figures, regardless of the environmental impact. This is called the «Green Finance».

Environmental criminality is very mobile, for it follows the national laws, to bypass them easily. More, those organisations assign wherever possible the patenting of Nature’s products for private use. And therefore cut the access of those same products to the populations that live on the concerned territories. The well known examples are the deforestation in Indonesia (huge palm oil plantations) and Amazonia (fields of GMO soja damaging human and animal DNA), and perhaps one of the most serious, the monopolisation of thousands of water sources in a growing number of countries, to manufacture bottle waters, that let the populations without the main life resource. And we can add the «international logistics of waste», contaminated culture soils with pesticids and other chemicals, seed patents for single use, and housing land expropriation for the flourishing extraction of oil from bituminous shale gaz. All those industrial practices are supported by governments. In those conditions, environmental degradation is truly a crime, organised by economical, political, law and scientific actors.

As regarding the individuals, they are more aware of their personal impact and make efforts to change habits daily. But shouting in the street does not change anything so far.

The environmental international criminality (eco-crime) is a planetary open wound. A major harm with total impunity, that affects the general consciousness and creates victims everywhere. And Planet Earth rebells with its instruments: fires, storms, earthquakes.

The interdependence of those illicit activities needs the indispensable and continuous work of a supranational legal frame, concerning the massive violation of environmental laws, directly damaging human rights. The International Criminal Court (ICC) could well be more engaged, since Interpol (International Police Service) has a hunt down and detection department for those environemental mafias.

This is the major way to fight against environmental pollutions and illegal actions, to be removed worldwide.

As for the climate, it will change the main planetary water cycle, inviting us to change again our habits. Because after the repeated raise of temperatures, it will be cold.

So, let us target the real issues.

The key word is adaptation.

Sylvie Touranne

“Sun and Dark”, lp, August 2019

The Smiling Asura. Seeing the World through Mobile, Travelling Without

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020

It’s a complex matter – best told in story-form. It is not so easy to understand, and when you read it on the web, it is very probable that you quickly scan the text but not read, and when you read, you might just take it in with your cognitive brain, maybe quickly putting a “like” on “social” media but not letting it in. No time! the mind runs like crazy…
Recent brain research showed that digital reading is good for cognitive reception but reading on paper is better for transformative knowledge, transforming one’s life. Enough foreword…

The pictures of mobiles in this article are no criticism but done with a smiling eye. I’m also photographing a lot – with a camera. In case of personality complaints, please let me know and I will exchange the photo….

The group travelling to Bangalore airport

An introduction

This is not a private story about an aspect aof my life, but I use this perspective as an intro for the main story, which comes later:

I stopped seeing TV around 9/11, in 2001, sometimes seeing a movie in a plane, very little YouTube. I prefer reading newspaper articles, going into what I read. I intensely follow what is going on in the world. Already as a child, I had very strong inner images which later led me to painting; when reading a book, I quickly “fell into it”. And when looking a crime story, the suspense frequently made me run out of the room.

Selfies in Pithapuram

In my former profession as head of web office of Swiss Red Cross, I was responsible for all digital communication instruments as per their content side – internet, intranet, central photo archives – until I was “set free” seven years ago, free for my way. There already, people used to run around with mobile. I felt, it would be too overwhelming for my perception, blurring my discrimination. As an excuse, I used to tell that my hearing was not good – it was only half true. I didn’t want to get into “digital morphine”, putting people’s inner side with hyperaction to sleep. Now they talk in the media about the need for digital detox, offering courses for managers about digital fasting.

During the last decade, mobiles made a triumphal march over the globe, entering into remotest corners. I could not escape, didn’t want to be a dinosaur refusing it. I’m extremely active with PC and, when travelling, with laptop. No quick photo publication – selected views, images cut-out and processed. Since some years, we have a family mobile, we just use it “immobile” at home, as a “modem” to enter into WhatsApp. My wife using it as a means for her trance therapy work, working remotely with people who don’t have a computer or don’t physically come. And me for interacting with family members and WTT. Since years, however, I’m studying the digital marketing tricks of big data business and follow the latest developments via a daily newsletter. So I came to see the big players as monsters, some of them massively manipulating, with a mask of innocence, elections and political decision. Making big money with little to no ethics. “Do no harm” of early Google is no longer at use.

No need for fear when reading the following passages, it will come to a good end of the story!

Fire ritual

In Europe, governments and data privacy protection offices are trying to fight the supranational Hydras, often without success. The big players are very powerful. Especially the Mark Zuckerberg Empire stands foremost in the manipulation game, from the very beginning, – denying it in public, putting on a smiling face. And everybody uses WhatsApp – in WTT it is used especially in India for bringing plenty of pictures and information “for free” to the members, who need to join to “follow”. You cannot escape when you want to follow.

Nobody thinks of what is being done with the data – things which are directly opposite to the principles the WTT stands for:
Big scale image recognition, profiling people, targeting ads, delivering content individually tailored for the personality profile of the receiver to most effectively manipulate on a mass scale. Yesterday, the media reported: “Facebook policy chief Nick Clegg reaffirms the social network’s decision to continue allowing advertising with political content. Twitter and Google, however, have banned politically motivated ads on their platforms.” Not to speak of what China, the biggest player, does. Incredible “total immersion”, keeping over a billion people under central control – for the “well-being of the state”.

One of the latest developments is voice recognition based marketing, analysing all what is communicated via speech – for better targeting ads etc., combining mobile data with the behaviour portraits of the surfers.

Distribution of sewing machinges to unemployed women

About two years ago, while uploading photos to Google Photo, I saw a function for identifying friends. I wrote the name of a friend – and I got hundreds of photos with her in most intimous situations, at group lives, while travelling – often, I did not recognise her face at first sight, but Google did. And these were not pictures she had uploaded. Data protection, privacy? A joke. Digital profiling in a mass scale. Yesterday, the media reported that 3 billion photos were sucked off the web by a private Silicon Valley company with a big investor. We try to comply on WTT related websites with European data protection standards but these trends go directly against.

Ritual at a Ganesha statue at Tekkali Village

At the recent seminars in India – like at the last international group lives – the entire ongoing group communication was done via mobile and WhatsApp – when, where, what is happening – it is so practical, and all have a mobile. Except me, I think. I didn’t want to be washed away by an overkill of information, not only via this channel but by other people trying to contact me this way. They can do it via e-mail. The triage of relevant and irrelevant information needs time and energy and deviates the focus I’m trying to uphold. At the seminar, I told two friends to keep me updated. It worked fine. I even once spoke with my wife via mobile WhatsApp of a friend – my laptop didn’t get connection or only a very low one, for a week. (Later, I got a mobile internet connection from the group of WTT India for the communication activities, a great help.)

Already at December Call celebration in Bangalore, Master Kumar said:

“The teachings of every hierarchy member shall have to be related to. You have no more time for mobile, for silly messages. They are all silly messages from people with experience. There are very silly messages through WhatsApp. You are wasting your time and wasting others time. It is meant to send a simple communication, not to use it because it is free. If they charged 100 rupees for every message, everything would stop. Calls also have become free with WhatsApp. So you call to America and speak for 30-40-50 minutes. Sheer waste of time and energy. Instead why can you not relate to this which is the higher dimension relating to Hierarchy. Hierarchy is the highest dimension relating to humanity and we think we are following some kind of discipleship.”

Recently, a scientist wrote in a Swiss magazine: “When you want to do something effective against global warming, stop taking selfies” – all the infrastructure behind consumes tremendous amounts of energy. Especially the endless Netflix etc. stream entertainment – an easy way to anesthetize your brain.

An Indian group member at Tekkali photographing the group of Westerners

At the January WTT seminar in Visakhapatnam, things got more intense for me, utmost intensity. Most sublime teachings, multi-directional inputs from people, intense talks with key persons, developing ideas for future developments, for projects. At a question-answer session, I gave a strong word of warning to the group as per the use of WhatsApp etc. There was a good reply by Sri Kumar, here are my notes:

“In humanity there is always an abuse; abuse is common because there is ignorance. Men of knowledge are few, people are stuck by one side or the other. A roller-coaster situation, abuse is about to happen… Humanity is the only species which has discrimination. See what is relevant to us; whatever is relevant to us is not relevant to others. We might be in a huge jungle, we can’t change the whole jungle except by prayer. Immediately it will have an impact on us. It will take time from humanity.

There is some negative coming out of humanity, very few use discrimination. We see what is relevant and what is irrelevant. It is very well possible. That is why we need to grow with discriminative will. We get more guided by conscience, discriminative will.

At Tekkali Village

Whatever Ludger said is in every dimension of humanity, not only in internet – gold invented, misused, slowly balanced. In the 2nd half of last century, the use of fertilizers, they did great harm to the agriculture. Sometimes we learn through ignorance, through foolishness, we make experiments, experiments settle as wisdom. We keep learning by this example, … health is gone from humans and animals, we realise, slowly there is a direction in the production into another direction. Now they have realised that smoking has a very negative impact on health, still some are smoking, smoking; non-smokers were more affected by smoking.
We need to change the planet to an understanding what is a right understanding. “I don’t use it” – not using is not a solution, right use is important.

The world offers many things, be discriminate, develop the conscience, don’t send messages of WhatsApp, when there is no relevance for you, don’t look at it. That is how we use discrimination, use meditation as means to calm down, to develop inner consciousness, the antaratma (inner self), that will help to eliminate certain activities in relation to us and to the group.

We don’t have to criticise, that is Aquarian. We get into the subtler side, it is Aquarian. Make an appropriate use of the right side and don’t get into the (wrong one). The more and more you are negative, judgemental about others – we don’t touch what is black – the more and more we discuss about it, we strengthen it. Don’t get into the path of ignorance, look for light everywhere and don’t get into darkness.

The black ones try to use the others to propagate them. The negativity in us is a deception. … We as students of goodwill see the light side of it, don’t criticise the dark side of it. … You slowly disassociate from people but do not entertain the negative side, if you entertain it it is in you. Be neutral to the negative and be attractive to the positive side. That is how we need to take to the positive side. Make a good use of the good side of the developments coming to us, it is contributing to human progress. In science there is open thinking, but the sciences are under the thumb of the barbarians on the planet who control the whole of humanity. We don’t have to deny the sciences; take the positive side of all the science. Let it be so with all of us.”

At Tekkali Village

A member from Spain introduced me to Microsoft Teams, explaining to me how he uses it for his course organisation and interaction, the structure set up by a friend. Chat and collaboration instruments, file sharing, and video calling. And it runs on PC/laptop/mobile without being bound to mobile. I found it thrilling, thought, “what’s the catch for Microsoft to give the basic version for free?” I know that Microsoft is a much more integer player when it comes to dealing with data. I had several discussions with IT specialists of WTT. It seems to be a way out of the challenge of using digital instruments for group work, interchange and collaboration. Of course, there are also other tools. Plenty of ideas rushed in. It will take time to evaluate and test. I started testing the app but: “Take to turtle speed, not the speed of a rabbit.”

Last year, I had a strong warning as per my health with a brain bleeding. I realised, I have to slow down, take away pressure. This is most needed, especially in the present time and with the present challenges. I’m daily walking for a while in nature, ponder and observe. Keeping longer times of silence to centre inside. The inner guidance will lead through the times of rough weather.

In all of this, I had to think of the story from Puranas of Aghasura, the enormous serpent-demon which wanted to devour Krishna and his friends. The cowherd boys innocently entered its mouth, mistaking it for a mountain cavern. After seeing this, Krishna then came to their rescue, killing Aghasura. In a way, the mobiles look like the many heads of a serpent devouring the attention. But help comes, when you turn inward and stay strongly aligned to the soul.