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We Are Greater Than I

It is a commercial but well done, and the message is spiritual: “We are greater than I”.

The description of the video spot of Samsung created in partnership with the World Surf League says: “It shows how we are all connected, intrinsically co-dependent, and tied together for better and for worse.” And further:

“No individualism here, no ego, no celebration of one hero. In surf, as in technology, one cannot reach the next level alone. Without the people around us, without “We”, without “Us”, “I” is nothing. Together, we make each other better. Together, we push, we inspire, we challenge and redefine each other. We Are Greater Than I.”

May it be so with Samsung, the surfers and with all of us: no ego, no celebration of one hero… And not a side-blow to a competitor who uses “i” in the names of his products.

This viral video got over 5 million views within a month.

(C) Samsung, from the video

4 Responses to “We Are Greater Than I”

  1. Julie Oxford Says:

    So beautiful, Ludger!

  2. V v b s murthy Says:

    very beautiful with immense guts indeed!!
    ,thanx & regards

  3. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Thank you for your feedback, Julie!

  4. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Thank you for your feedback, Mr. Murthy

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