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A Prophecy about the Return of Master CVV or Flying a Loop

I would like to share some experiences I had the last weeks around a prophecy of the return of Master CVV – as Master KPK (Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar). For me it was as if I flew a loop. I pondered some days whether I should blog about it or not, but I decided that yes. And the text, though short-cut, is definitely longer than an easy-to-read blogpost in “Facebook compatibility” should be.

I deeply respect other viewpoints – this is just about my experiences.

At the Jubilee celebration of 30 Years WTT Germany I suddenly grew very alert when I heard in the Jubilee speech the words “When Master CVV left his physical body on March 12th, 1922, he promised his followers that he would return in the year 1945 to continue his work.” These words printed in the jubilee book continue a bit later with, “Master KPK was born two days after the new moon in the sign of Scorpio on November 7th, 1945… This consensus foreshadows the incarnation of Master CVV’s soul in Master KPK ….” I remembered having heard this some years before and that at the same time a “red question-mark” rose up inwardly.

I afterwards asked the speakers where this quote is from, and they referred to the book of Sabine Anliker about Master KPK. Yes, there I had read it in 2005, and it says, “Master CVV informed his disciples that he would come back in the year 1945. This is found in the book Kundalini written by Sri Ramanujam which is available in the library of the UNO Geneva. Master KPK was born in 1945! ….”

I still was sceptical if it is correct, so I decided to ask Sri Kumar directly. When I met him in Hergiswil 12 days ago, I gave him a paper with some questions and: “… Could you comment on the prophecy. Has it been given by Master CVV or is it a claim of the followers?”

He read my questions from the paper, while I was standing next to him. Then he asked for my pencil and gave me in his handwriting: “Return of Master CVV in 1945 has been a prophecy, recorded in the Tamil books of his followers.”


For me, this context was enough, for the moment, – I didn’t want to ask him, hey, are you the reincarnation?

I was struck by the answer in written and pondered a lot on it. Both Masters have touched me to the core and mean very much for me. But I would never have “fused them” into “one as the sequence of the other”. I was reminded of the sequence of Shirdi Sai, Sathya Sai and Prema Sai spoken about by Sri Sathya Sai Baba, or reincarnation traditions of Buddhist lamas.

I googled for the book of T.S. Ramanujam mentioned by Sabine: “Kundalini – or Universal Love Refound“, published Madras 1938 – but there was no PDF version. However, I found an old booklet, half  Tamil?/Telugu?, half English, about Master CVV, with a longer article by Ramanujam on Physical Immortality – here is the PDF version, just the English part, and here the complete version (15 MB). There you find a mention of 1945 and the re-emergence of Master CVV:

“When the space is fixed, the picture will stand” – these words of the Master are still ringing in the ears of his mediums who, from the surface of the earth, are looking forward to his re-emergence in an eternal physical form. When that Great Day comes, it may not be after 1945, a current of Physical Immortality will run from the Master to the mediums in logical succession, as a current of electricity runs from bulb to bulb, and illuminate, as if in a flash, all human beings with the light of eternity!”

Picture of Master CVV from the book

I shared the answer of Sri Kumar with some close friends, and I received a reply from an old “fellow traveller”. On my request he wrote: “You are most welcome to use what I say in terms of ‘a group member said’ but thank you for respecting that I do not want to be named.” Of course. We have a regular correspondence, and it is fascinating to me.

Here are some extracts from his email, reduced to what is relevant in this context:

“So, just a few thoughts, logic based and not ‘intuitive-knowing’ based. I have told you some of this. When I met KPK in xxx in xxx we went for a walk together and the conversation was far reaching. He said that He and I had been together before and that we had been with DK as doctors in the German army during the war. “The war” would be the conflict from 1914-1945. So, that puts us both in incarnation somewhere during this time. He said that DK transmitted the Bailey books from Germany and not from Tibet. He told me that DK was so advanced that He could ‘save the planet by Himself.’

On very many occasions KPK has demonstrated to me a deep and intimate knowledge of the workings of KH’s ashram. I once saw Aurobindo and EK standing together. I asked KPK and he said yes that they were in KH’s ashram. He told me that he had been sent to help EK in his work and that they would send someone to me to help me with mine. …

I have been told by xxx that he was with KPK in Argentina. They took him out for dinner or entertainment and there was a show featuring the Tango. I guess it was pretty sexual, the dance. xxx and the others were embarrassed and embarrassed for the teacher. KPK reportedly joked, not to worry that this would help him “take the 5th.”

And, recently he gave me His CVV medium number.

So, I do know of what Sabine has said that KPK is THE incarnation of CVV. But the above pieces do not necessarily fit with this hypothesis.

A full incarnation of an Avatar, coming as less then a full Master at birth? KPK himself reincarnated at the 4th degree and with a CVV medium number….. In incarnation as a co-worker with DK, perhaps, at the same time CVV was in his body.

I think these pieces point toward KPK being a medium of CVV, yes, overshadowed and demonstrating the energy of Synthesis and aspects of CVV’s mind. But, I’m thinking he could not be CVV as a reincarnate…

Of course I do NOT KNOW. “Above my pay grade” as we say… I just assemble pieces using what logic I can use. When Sabine made the claim about KPK as CVV, it did not ‘feel’ right inside.

I asked him and he only smiled but did not answer.

Sabine is a very faithful devotee, I’m not sure that helps with reason sometimes. …

I am committed to KPK, EK, the WTT for life. It all came to me ‘from the inside out’ and KPK as KPK has told me, ‘I am in you.’ It is very clear that I am in his gaze. I think if he was 4th degree and taking the 5th, and if he is a medium of CVV, this changes nothing for me at all. I have not need for him to be the Full incarnation of the Avatar of Synthesis….”

Another close friend who followed the discussion wrote to me: “For me also, it was kind of strange and hard to believe that KPK is CVV. Maybe mainly because when you call for CVV or KPK, this is not the same vibration… Moreover, I noted that KPK is really answering very precisdly to any question, not 1% beside the question. If you look what you asked: “Has it been given by Master CVV or is it a claim of the followers?” and what he answered: “Return of Master CVV in 1945 has been a prophecy, recorded in the Tamil books of his followers.” it seems very clear that word to word, he’s pointing out the “claim of the followers”…

Things inside me fell again into an order. When a friend asked me why I was so eager to know, I replied, “It is about self-knowledge and truth – do I believe something because others have said so or is it in accordance with my own inner intuition? And if it is not, I better not accept it – though I respect the insights of the others.”

There was an echo in my mind of the lines in Secret Doctrine (Vol. III, page 401) quoted also by AA Bailey: “The Lord Buddha has said that we must not believe in a thing said merely because it is said… “I taught you not to believe merely because you have heard, but when you believed of your consciousness, then to act accordingly and abundantly.”

Photo of a 3-d picture of Master CVV, taken in the house of a friend

9 Responses to “A Prophecy about the Return of Master CVV or Flying a Loop”

  1. Srinivas.G Says:

    Very wonderful experience you narrated. In my view RETURN OF MASTER OR RETRUN OF CHRIST MEAN finding Master or Christ in oneself. You have found Master or Christ in you that is the reason why you are able to talk about Return of Master .. When one sees Christ or Master in the universe day in day our in the daily life that is the advent of Master-RETURN OF THE MASTER. Great experience !! Please sharing !!!

  2. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Thank you very much for your inspiring feedback! Yes, the connection with the Master energy is the return of the Master into our life or the return of Christ.

  3. KBKM Says:

    Thanks for the information. The Master Moutain beside Master C V V and Master K P K in Master C V V ‘s Heart Centre, it is no less than Viswa Ropa Sandarshan of Lord Krishna’ Avatar.
    We are blessed by Master C V V through Master K P K.

  4. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Thank you very much for your comment. Yes, I agree with you – it is a great darshan and a very rare opportunity to be blessed by the presence of such a sublime presence and guidance like the one of Master KPK bringing to us the presence of Master CVV.

  5. Vasu Says:

    Thanks for sharing this with us
    This is the proof that my beliefs are correct

  6. Balasubrahnanyam Sripathi Says:

    It is very fortunate to have at least born in this wonderful period where very many Gurus are blessing mankind abundantly!

  7. Balasubrahnanyam Sripathi Says:

    Time and again my Namaskarams to Great Master C V V to your lotus feet!

  8. mp rao Says:

    It is a great and wonderful experience for me . I feel blessed to be one of the followers of Master EK/ Master KPK.

  9. Ramarao MS Says:

    Just great…master KPK is master CVV.

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