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Day Fourteen and Fifteen: Sign of Maitreya, Ayurveda and Evening Walk along a Channel

Just before starting yesterday for the next part of our journey my friend showed me the sign of Maitreya she once got worked out by a goldsmith friend:

The flowers were full of raindrops when we started our journey northwards towards Lübeck at the Baltic Sea.

In the late afternoon we arrived at the next place in the surroundings of  Lübeck where our friend has an Ayurveda health practice. She showed us the work she is doing – and then moved empty her practice for us to have a place to stay.

I love the Nordic ambiance – red houses, flowers, full green vegetation.

View of the balcony

and looking down into the garden, where an artist has exposed some objects:

A wooden fish looking up

Sun greeting at the entrance

Little angel blessing from the window frame

And of course a little Buddha…

After meditation and dinner we had a walk along a nearby channel constucted over 100 years ago. We had to walk through high reed and nettles – with our sandals… Later it started raining so that we had to walk back. Since there was no official way to the channel, we walked through the garden of the landlord.

How could the horse see us through its hair?

4 Responses to “Day Fourteen and Fifteen: Sign of Maitreya, Ayurveda and Evening Walk along a Channel”

  1. Judy Says:

    As soon as you step into the country side anywhere in the world you find that energysing ambience…. and with an artistic touch so much the better … Many Germans are masters in creativity… Thank you for sharing…

    Very unseasonal weather here in Western Canada also…..Happy Cancer Full Moon !….

  2. sébastien Says:

    dear ludger
    if I understand, the sign of lord Maitreya is His name in sanskrit that we can read, crafted on this medaill?

  3. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Dear Sébastien
    I just know that this sign of Maitreya is printed on the cover of a book. I don’t know if it is his name.

  4. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Dear Judy
    Thank you for your lines. Yes, it is a very energizing ambiance – and when you look for subtle signs, you find them everywhere.
    Also to you a happy resonance of Cancer Full Moon!

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