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Day Three: A Centre for Healing

Yesterday the morning started with a fire ritual followed by a beautiful breakfast in the garden.

Two of our friends told me how they discovered the place where they now have the healing centre Centre Caducée. Next to their house there was another house which one could not see. It was surrounded by many high fir trees. An old man who lived there had died and the house was for sale, but no one wanted to buy it. The lady of my friends had once an intuition about having something to do with that house, but there was no way how. After a year they again thought if the house was for sale, they searched on the web and found out it was.

They arranged a visit and saw it was in a bad shape, quite dark, low and dark rooms, but the place was attracting them very much. So they decided to buy. Together with some friends they cut all the pine trees so that light could enter, they renovated the inner and the man of my friends, who is since many years a doctor in Brussels decided to shift part of his practice here and to start there another kind of work.

They showed us the house which has been beautifully renovated. Surrounded by forests it is a very nice place for healing work.

The Centre Caducée

The rest of the day was filled with a lot of other inspiring exchanges.

Buddha meditating in the garden

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