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Lily Sunrise

Last Sunday a friend brought us a very beautiful rose lily branch with many flowers. During the week they kept on unfolding. This morning I put the vase into the garden and took some photos of the sublime beauty of the flowers. The colours displayed beautifully in the early morning sunlight. Enjoy.

5 Responses to “Lily Sunrise”

  1. V V B S MURTHY Says:

    Its quite nice to see such flowers and this has remembered me the
    book of Shri MaataAurobindo of Pondicherry. Mother used to give
    flowers to every disciple after the prayers and meditation at Aurobindo ashram.

    thanks and regards,

  2. Flowers on the Wayside Says:

    Thank you – and these flowers are standing at the altar in our house.

  3. gyaneshwar Says:

    inspreation by flowers arise&awake

  4. Ms. Kaali Krishna Says:

    Lovely expression of Divine. Seeing the inner beauty in an unfoling happening and capturing the same to share with us had filled my heart with a beautiful divine feeling. Thanks for such a beautiful sharing.

    With Best Regards

  5. Josune Says:

    Francamente son preciosas,de una belleza serena y delicada.

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