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Information for a Holistic Understanding

A friend send me the link to an interesting website (German/English), the Gaia Media Foundation, a non-profit organization in Basel, Switzerland:

“We communicate information for a holistic and up to date understanding of our existence, and the potential of human consciousness. We equally respect the knowledge and the experience of ancient cultures, spiritual traditions, and of modern science, without committing ourself to a particular view or direction. We advocate the firm belief that the ability and desire to achieve transcendence is inherent in man, and that expanded states of consciousness shed light upon the knowledge of the laws of life, of nature, and the universe. An awareness corresponding to universal laws not only guarantees humanity the surviving, but also allows us a symbiotic and hedonistic existence on Gaia, our home planet.” (from the website)

Sunrise this morning at Lake Sihl, Einsiedeln, Switzerland

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